If you have ever visited a busy hospital emergency room, unless you were seriously injured or gravely ill, chances are you probably had a lengthy wait. Since emergency room staffs always prioritize those patients with the pressing needs, long wait times are nobody’s fault, because there are only so many emergency room personnel to treat… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Everything You Need to Know About the Vampire Facelift Procedure
Move over, Twilight and True Blood — there’s a new vampire in town. In keeping with these iconoclastic times, this one doesn’t need to feed off of warm bodies to survive. It can’t be warded off with crucifixes and garlic, either. In fact, it’s not even a living, breathing entity, but a cosmetic procedure. The… Continue reading
What’s the Difference Between Spinal Fusion and Disc Replacement?
Neck and back pain are two of the most commonly reported ailments in the United States. Because of the neck’s close relationship with the spine, the two often go hand-in-hand, and new studies are even showing that our smartphone dependencies are probably making the pain worse. That’s because the longer your neck remains in a… Continue reading
“The Chair Massage A Vital Part of the Rehab Process”
The medical profession, like any other business, is rapidly evolving. The growth of the massage field is exhibit A in the evolution of the medical field. Despite a past where it was considered “alternative” or “complementary” medicine, the benefits of massage are increasingly becoming accepted by the Western medical community. In an analysis of over… Continue reading
Your Child and Psychosocial Stages of Development
According to psychologists, each child faces a developmental crisis, and this is the main turning point in his or her life. The main stages that children go through include identity vs. confusion, industry vs. inferiority, initiative vs. guilt, doubt and autonomy vs. shame, and trust vs. mistrust. The first stage or conflict is trust vs.… Continue reading
Cooking Light – a Vegetarian Menu for the Summer
Gone are the days of predictable meals, whether stuffed peppers and mushrooms or veggie pizzas and lasagnas. Summer is the time of succulent produce and delicious veggie meals for your whole family. There are tasty summer vegetables to include in your menu – tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, and many others. Most of us love chips and… Continue reading
The Worst Chemicals in Makeup and Beauty Products
While many manufacturers advertise their products as organic and 100 percent natural, this is not always the case. There are many ingredients and chemicals to put on your watch list. Check the label for copolymer, leads, emulsifiers, coloring ingredients, and other synthetic and harmful chemicals. Chemical compounds such as petroleum and formaldehyde are sometimes added… Continue reading
A Healthy Summer Vacation for Your Family
Heat, rain, mosquitoes, and other bugs can ruin the best of holidays. While summer is the season of vacations, barbeques, and nights out with friends, allergies, bug bites, sunburn, and upset stomach are common during the summer months. The sun rays can cause UV damage and skin cancer. UV rays are harmful in that… Continue reading