There are many types of raw food diets. A list, with descriptions, follows. * Sproutarian – one whose diet is predominantly sprouts. Those eating only sprouts are extremely rare; most sproutarians have a varied raw food diet. * Living Fooder – version of sproutarianism. The Ann Wigmore-style living fooder has a vegan diet centered on… Continue reading
Category: Diet & Weight Loss
Hypothyroidism diet for health, weight loss and increasing energy
For people diagnosed with a thyroid condition, the options may seem bleak. Some patients live with hypothyroid symptoms for their entire lives, even while taking Synthroid or other drugs. Others never get the right diagnosis and suffer through borderline low thyroid problems for years. One powerful way to address hypothyroid symptoms is with diet, by… Continue reading
15 tips for lowing cholesterol
Has your doctor said you have high cholesterol (called hypercholesterolemia)? Then you know you need to change your diet and lifestyle to lower cholesterol and your risk of heart disease. Even if your doctor prescribed a cholesterol drug to bring levels down, you’ll still need to change your diet and become more active for cardiovascular… Continue reading
How to cleanse and detoxify our body
In every person‘s life there comes a time to examine what might not be healthy life choices, such as consuming excess fats, carbs, sugars, and processed foods in general. These unhealthy choices add up over a lifetime to create long term health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, among others.… Continue reading
Top 5 tips experts for diet
Let’s be realistic. Weight loss is not easy. And it is not fast. But it doesn’t have to be painful. If you want to know how to lose weight there are lots of tried and true diet tips that will help you on your journey towards a healthy body weight. These expert tips are healthy… Continue reading
Welcome spring with gentle detox diet
Spring begins on the equinox in March when the day and night are equal in length. This is the welcoming in of a season of abundant sunlight and the start of yang energy. After a long winter of heavy foods to maintain warmth the Spring is a great time to gently shed some pounds and… Continue reading
Sweet apples and nutritional facts about it
Sweet apple history We owe a debt of gratitude to the ancient Roman horticulturists. Without their efforts, the apple would still be a virtually inedible wild fruit. During the 7th century BC, apples were so rare and expensive that newlyweds were required to share one apple on their wedding night. Sweet apple varieties The quest… Continue reading
How work metabolism when you juice fasting
The fear is that while fasting, the metabolism will slow down and afterward there will be more weight gained than before the fast. Initially, any calorie reduction will cause a lowering in the BMR or base metabolic rate. Cleansing will bring health that will increase metabolic performance and energy output. In other words, you will… Continue reading