Chronic pain is a little insidious. One day we notice its effects…and several months later we’ve grown used to it.
Your chronic pain could take the form of lower back pain that affects your ability to stand for long periods of time. It could also take the form of depressive symptoms that result in binge drinking. Pain centers are very aware of the minor and major details that come with chronic issues. When you’re growing tired of your condition ruling your life, reaching out to the best family doctor is your next order of business. They’ll provide you with a check-up, an assessment, and direction toward resources that can help.
ADD and insomnia. Weight loss and alcoholism detox. Your higher quality of life is right around the corner.
Insomnia Is A Serious Issue That Should Be Addressed Soon
Struggling to fall asleep properly isn’t just annoying. It can actually be detrimental to your health. Sleep issues are rampant among working Americans, so much so it’s considered a mundane detail of the nine-to-five. When you struggle to fall asleep at night — or constantly wake up throughout the night — it’s likely you have a sleep disorder. Doctors in Fort Lauderdale have the experience and the resources to help you get consistent rest throughout the week.
Alcoholism Is Among The Top Ranking Diseases In America
Just like insomnia can be caused by several factors, so too can alcoholism. This is the third deadliest disease in the country and is right alongside heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and high blood pressure. It’s important to remember that alcoholism doesn’t just look like binge drinking three times a week. It also looks like never turning down a drink when offered or using alcohol to cope with stress. A detox doctor will talk to you about your habits when you visit, piecing together the puzzle so you can finally get the bigger picture.
Chronic Pain Affects Over Two Billion People Worldwide
Constant aches and pains are not normal. They’re a sign of your body communicating something wrong. Lower back pain and upper back pain are the most common forms of chronic pain in the United States, though far from the only ones. Hip pain, knee pain, severe migraines, wrist pain, and nausea are also widespread. Chronic pain can be made worse by age and it can be indirectly related to symptoms like addiction or low testosterone.
Low Testosterone Affects You More Than You Think
Are you struggling with unusual weight gain, mood swings, and chronic headaches? Do you suspect something is not quite right with you, but can’t put your finger on it? Insufficient hormone levels are one of the most overlooked conditions to date. It’s thought 90% of men with low testosterone never actually receive treatment for the issue. A normal testosterone level is between 300 to 1,000 ng/dl, varying a little depending on your weight and age.
Weight Loss Is Best Done With Medical Supervision
Obesity is something that should be tackled at pain centers. Many Americans do their best to commit to a diet, but only a few succeed in keeping the weight off in the long term. Medically supervised weight loss takes a look at all your lifestyle factors, crafting a diet plan and exercise plan tailored to fit. You can pair this alongside a drug detox plan or testosterone treatment to create a well-rounded effect. Keep in mind drug detox must be completed before you can begin drug rehabilitation.
Confront chronic pain. Visit pain centers in your area and ask for a physical that can diagnose your issue.