Did you know that 98% of all women have cellulite? Cellulite, loose skin, and general weight issues are problems that almost all women deal with. Health risks of obesity aside, they can cause a great deal of emotional pain and insecurity, with solutions often seeming impossible. This is not the case. There are many different options available with minimal risks involved. A couple of major reason why women decide against treatments like abdominal liposuction and laser cellulite removal are fear and shame. We?re here to explain that there?s no reason to be afraid, and no cause for shame.
What Kinds Of Treatments Are Available?
The cosmetic surgery options available to women vary greatly depending on what kind of issue needs to be addressed. Wrinkles are often treated with botulinum toxin ? commonly known as Botox ? injections, which have also been used to eliminate loose skin and cellulite. With a 15.6% increase the most frequently performed noninvasive procedure. Laser cellulite removal is an excellent, cellulite-specific treatment that is minimally invasive. However, laser cellulite removal isn?t the only laser-involved treatment available. Laser liposuction is gaining popularity due to its comparative noninvasiveness. Most procedures have relatively short recovery periods and extremely low risks of complications or bad side effects.
Are Cosmetic Surgeries Normal?
The most disturbing thing about cosmetic procedures is that they?ve yet to be normalized like makeup, hair dye, and other technically-unnecessary cosmetic enhancement tools. Cosmetic procedures are all about making women feel good, and you?d be surprised at how common they actually are. In 2013, women had more than 10.3 million cosmetic procedures, with is 90.6% of the total procedures done. The reason why cosmetic procedures seem so scarce is not because they?re uncommon, but because the people who get them don?t talk about them. It?s a vicious cycle of shame. Remember that your body is yours; if you wish to have a cosmetic procedure done, feel free to do it. If you want to keep it a secret, that?s your choice too. But don?t feel like you can?t discuss it openly and without embarrassment.
What Do You Do After A Cosmetic Procedure?
Some procedures, like laser cellulite removal, may require continuous treatments; those same procedures may require very little follow-up, depending on the patient?s desires. Botox injections are temporary, with patients needing refreshers needed regularly, again depending on what kind of results the patient wants. Liposuction before and after, while dramatic, requires upkeep. Women are 3 times more likely to gain weight back after liposuction if they don?t maintain healthy diets, and 4 times more likely to do so if they don?t partake in regular exercise. It?s not all about surgery; it requires personal responsibility too.
If you?re interested in cosmetic surgery, don?t hesitate to schedule a consultation. It?s not just about looking good on the outside ? it?s about feeling good within.