Massage cream is suitable for therapists who want more glide than a lotion allows.
Cream provides the right balance between workable massage oil and an absorbable lotion. Massage creams glide easily over the skin creating a surface that is neither too slippery nor dry.
There a variety of different types of massage creams available, however, there are common characteristics that you will find with any massage cream. For instance, most massage creams are utilized more for deep tissue styles of massage. This allows for the proper amount of resistance, and as a result let’s massage therapists penetrate the tissues deeply. The amount of massage cream used is considerably less, compared to what you would use with massage oils. However, you are still able to use massage creams for lighter types of relaxation massage as well. Massage creams tend to provide maximum glide, with minimum friction. The multipurpose nature of massage creams allows them to be used for a variety of techniques. Most massage creams have a smooth glide and this allows for extended workability without a slippery, greasy feeling.
Massage gels offer another alternative to massage oils or lotions. Several varieties of massage gels are available nonetheless; they all have similar qualities. For example, one benefit of using massage gels is they offer the same workability as a high quality massage oil in a similar light formula that moisturizes the skin at the same time. A small amount of massage gel will cover a larger surface area, plus it doesn’t absorb into the skin quickly allowing prolonged massage.
The unique formula that a massage gel provides nourishes the skin and refrains from leaving a greasy feeling post-treatment. Massage gels leave your skin feeling conditioned and smooth. Versatile massage gel lubrication is ideal for light to semi-deep work.
source: http://www.massagetherapy101.com/massage-oil/massage-cream.aspx
my hands dry out and peel in the winter season, so my solution that usually works for me is i use St. Ives Vitamin E Advanced Therapy Lotion. i have to apply it mulitple times a day, but it works for me