Back pain is something that most people deal with over the course of their lives, whether it is from an injury or deterioration over time. At any given time in American, some 31million people are suffering from low back pain. The first inclination for most people would be to see their primary care physician for treatment. Perhaps a better choice would be to seek out the services of a good chiropractor.
Chiropractic care is both an immediate treatment and a long-term health plan. The human body goes through so many traumas on a daily basis just in living regular life. Going to work and participating in the simple activities of a job, even something as simple as sitting at a computer and working, can slowly move your spine out of alignment, causing chronic back pain. That is why seeking the benefits of a chiropractor can be so important.
In the United States alone, 50% of workers admit to having back pain each year. Whether it’s repetitive stress related activities or injury, back pain is something that affects everyone to some degree or another. A slight pain or a small injury can develop into a chronic condition that can be debilitating for life. Finding a chiropractor for chronic pain issues could be the best decision people make for their health.
Chiropractis for sports injuries is a practice utilized by professional and amateur athletes all around the world. Sports injuries are a significant cause of chronic back and neck pain for people. Just a quick look at professional sports teams and their reliance on a chiropractis for sports injuries will show how valuable chiropractic medicine actually is. For example: all 32 teams in the NFL use Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) to optimize the functionality, conditioning and overall endurance of players in the league. They treat players who suffer from neuromusculoskeletal strain injuries, neck pain, hamstring strains, whiplash injuries and more. Chiropractis for sports injuries keeps athletes healthy and more fit during their careers.
What makes good chiropractors so important is their ability to diagnose, treat and relieve patients of their pain in a very substantial way in a very short amount of time. Of course everyone’s situation is different, but the results that comes from going directly to the source of the pain and redirecting that source to one of relief are very impressive. Workers injured on the job are 28 times less likely to need surgery if their first point of contact is with a chiropractor instead of a surgeon.
A patient who begins treatment with a chiropractor for lower back pain will end up paying 20% less than someone who begins lower back treatment with a regular MD. There are several reasons one can point to as to why that is true, but one of the most important reasons is that a chiropractor’s approach to chronic lower back pain is decidedly different from a medical doctor. A Doctor of Chiropractic specializes in relieving the pain without drugs or surgery. If that can be done successfully before the other methods are decided upon, patients tend to favor chiropractic methods.
If you or someone you know suffers from back or neck pain, maybe it’s time to take a look at what a chiropractor can do for you.