Every year, with the coming of cooler fall weather, Americans of all ages have to watch out for the annual coming of the flu virus. Absolutely no one wants to catch the flu, and understandably so, because even a mild case can leave someone feeling utterly miserable. Thankfully, there are a number of things that can be done to avoid catching the flu when flu season rolls around, and this article will take a look at what some of those things are.
- Visit Urgent Care as Soon as Symptoms Begin: One way to avoid catching the flu, or at least a full-blown version of the flu, is to visit the local urgent care clinic as soon as flu symptoms begin. Urgent care is a walk in clinic located in cities across the country that allows patients to come in to see the doctor without having to make an appointment beforehand. Urgent care provides a high quality of medical care, and one of the most common cases they see are people suffering from cold or flu symptoms. Going to urgent care when flu symptoms begin will increase your chances of receiving treatment before the worst of the virus takes hold of the body.
- Get the Annual Flu Shot: Another way to avoid catching the flu is to receive the annual flu shot. Medical professionals agree that getting the flu shot is one of the best ways to drastically reduce your chances of contracting the flu virus. The shot can be administered at urgent care, or at your primary care doctors office.
- Wash Your Hands as Frequently as Possible: A third way to avoid catching the flu is to wash your hands as frequently as possible. It’s already recommended to wash your hands several times a day under normal circumstances, but this frequency should be increased during flu season when the virus is on the move. Frequent hand washing with antibacterial soap and water will kill most of the germs you come into contact with and reduce the chances of catching the virus.
- Avoid Contact With Those Who Are Already Sick: And finally, a fourth way to avoid catching the flu is to avoid physical contact with those who are already sick. Once a person has contracted the virus, they are most contagious for the first week after symptoms begin to show. If at all possible, avoid physical contact with those who are sick for that first week, and that will greatly help to reduce your chances of getting sick.
In conclusion, there are several ways you can avoid catching the flu. These ways include visiting urgent care when symptoms begin, getting the annual flu shot, washing your hands as frequently as possible, and avoiding contact with those who are already sick. By following these tips, you should be well on your way to getting through flu season unscathed.