No woman wants to deal with menopause. It seems almost unfair that we have to worry about it, while men really don’t have an equivalent. It’s true that men do face an aging process — but the fact is that theirs is much slower than ours. Menopause is a much faster, more sudden change. Over the course of menopause, women not only lose their fertility, but often experience changes in sex drive, weight, hair, and overall their general health. So yes — menopause is difficult for all women to deal with. But it’s especially difficult for women under 40 to go through. When a women goes through menopause before 40, it’s categorized as premature menopause. There are many reasons why a woman might go through premature menopause. Some women go through it for unexplained reasons, and it can’t really be prevented or stopped. Other women go through premature menopause as a side effect of cancer treatments — or treatments for other medical conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Often times, the treatments for such conditions involve a hysterectomy — that is, the removal of the uterus — an oophorectomy — the removal of the ovaries — or both. Some women choose to have these organs removed as a preventative measure. No matter what your reason — or even if you’re undergoing menopause at a “normal” age — you deserve to feel good about yourself. This is why many women are choosing to undergo bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a type of therapy often done at hormone replacement therapy clinics. Many are confused about what bioidentical hormone replacements really mean. These medications contain hormones that are exact chemical matches to the hormones made naturally by humans. One of the main reasons why people chose these hormones over others is that they theoretically produce more natural results than other hormone replacements, due to their similarity to natural hormones. As such, many people are choosing these hormones to reverse the aging process. However, by no means should you simply procure these hormones and hope for the best. By getting these hormones at an anti aging clinic, you can be guided through your hormone replacement journey by a professional.
Are You A Candidate For Hormone Replacement Therapy?
There are many reasons why people choose hormone replacement therapies, as discussed above. But those aren’t the only reasons why people might be good candidates for hormone replacement therapies. Many women who are concerned about osteoporosis — a degenerative bone disease — find that they have positive results through hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapies can help prevent or stop osteoporosis in general. This results in not only a better physical appearance and feeling in patients, but a better mental status as well. Many people find that the worst thing about menopause is its negative mental effects. Women with a predisposition towards depression or other mental illnesses find that reversing the physical effects of menopause can change their outlook on life in general. This is especially the case for women who’ve experienced premature menopause.
What Are My Options In Terms Of Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Those looking into hormone replacement therapy have several different options to choose from. Of those options, many people choose one of two. There is systemic estrogen — usually taken in the form of gel, a patch, cream, spray, or pills. This can treat hot flashes and night sweats, as well as dryness, itching, burning, and discomfort during intercourse. It’s also been linked to positive effects concerning osteoporosis. However, there is an alternative for those looking for a smaller effect. This includes low-dose vaginal products. This comes in cream, tablet, or ring form. It can effectively treat the vaginal and urinary symptoms of menopause. It doesn’t affect more serious symptoms, and is the right choose for those who just need a boost.
Try some research — hormone replacement therapy could be right for you.