Regardless of how often you exercise or the condition of your health, everyone will at some point in their lives experience back pain. Because our backs are involved in all movement we make with our body, the affects of back pain can have lasting impacts on everyday life. Fortunately, chiropractic services specialize in returning the spine back to good condition.
In many cases, adults who suffer from lower back pain are in overall worse physical and mental health than those who do not experience lower back pain. Because back problems can have an effect on mental health, chiropractic management can benefit far more than just physical well-being.
Chiropractors in general treat patients with health problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system. This entails the body’s nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons; essentially most parts of the body. To treat back and neck pain concerns, chiropractors use spinal adjustments, manipulation, and other specialized techniques.
When in dire need of relief, some people may completely bypass chiropractic services in lieu of surgery. These people are far more likely to end up having back surgery. An estimated 42.7% of injured workers who visited a surgeon before chiropractic consultants, ended up having some sort of surgery. On the other hand, of patients who started their care with chiropractic coaching, only about 1.5% needed surgery.
This is likely not a result of surgeons being greedy, but more that their expertise lies elsewhere. Chiropractic services will usually have far more in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience when it comes to back pain. While most surgeons likely spent time learning about all systems and operations in the body, chiropractors are able to focus all of their time and effort on these problems.
The human spine plays a vital role in the vast majority of operations of the body, even those not physical. Unfortunately, backs are also sensitive and in some parts fragile. It takes a lot of expertise and education for chiropractors to effectively treat such a vast system of bones, joints, and nerves.