Whether you just moved to a new city or you’re just looking for a different general family dentistry practice, choosing the best dentist for your needs — and those of your family — can be confusing and intimidating.
This is especially true when you consider the fact that 80% of America’s dentists do general dentistry services, while the other 20% have specialized practices.
Not sure where to start your dentist search? Here are four of the best tips to help you find the right family dentist easily and quickly:
Take location into account
You probably don’t want to be driving a half hour to get from your house to your dentist’s office, especially when it’s recommended that you see your family dentist every six months for cleanings and checkups. Choosing a dentist close to where you live will both make these regular appointments more convenient and make it easier for you to visit the office in the event of a dental emergency.
Does the dentist support your dental insurance plan?
You could find the best dentist imaginable, but if the practice doesn’t support your dental plan, you’ll have a very non-affordable dentist! There are a few different dental coverage plans, from HMOs to PPOs — it’s important to see which plans your ideal dentist supports.
Observe the dental practice’s interior
You can tell a lot about how good a dentist is by the way his or her office looks. Can you see modern, up-to-date technology in use? Is the office clean and organized, with a pleasant atmosphere? Is it family-friendly? These are all important things to evaluate before you become a regular patient.
Ask friends, family and coworkers for recommendations
In most cases, dentists that leave a good impression on the people closest to you are dentists that you should consider visiting as well. Ask around at the office and at social gatherings to see which dentists your friends, colleagues and family like — and which ones they don’t!
How did you choose your family dentist? Share your own tips with us in the comments! References: www.friedmandentalgroup.com More can be found here.