Do you have a chronic illness that causes you acute amounts of pain, which affect your ability to function on a daily basis? If this is the case, and you live in a state where it is legal for doctors who prescribe medical marijuana to do so, you may want to consider this as an option.
Though not every state has local medical marijuana doctors, the practice of using this drug for medicinal purposes is nothing new. More than 4,700 years before present day, marijuana was being used as a therapy treatment in China. As early as the beginning of the 1900’s, marijuana was being used in 20 different prescription medications given American patients. Its ubiquitous presence in American medicine continued until 1942, when it was no longer considered as a viable form of treatment.
That being said, marijuana and its possible uses as medicine have been widely researched, in approximately 100 separate analytical studies, while over 20,000 investigations into the drug’s distinct properties have also been undertaken, as reported by the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions about how to find medical marijuana doctors in your area or you want to learn more about legal medical marijuana Fort Lauderdale, be sure to share your thoughts in the section below.