The most common skin disorder in the US is acne, affecting 40 to 50 million people. Acne most commonly starts during puberty, however it is not restricted to any age group. While more than 40% of teenagers have acne or acne scars by their mid-teens, adults can develop acne in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or even 50s. In fact, 85% of people have acne at some point during their lifetime. Face, chest, and back acne are the most common forms.
Be aware of all of the products that you’re using, and the activities you perform during the day. Being stressed out is one of the leading outside causes of acne. Organic and natural products can be a cause of acne because they clog your pores, as well as a dirty cell phone screen or pillow case. A lot of sun when you have acne makes it worse, however a little bit of sun (10 to 20 minutes) can help. Take note of the fact that washing your face more often doesn’t always relieve acne either, however licorice extract may help. This is due to the fact that this product actually attacks the bacteria which causes acne (bacterium P).
Luckily, dermatology research has found new therapies for acne, and has lead to the development of new acne treatment products. Even on your own, you can prevent scarring by not popping, picking or squeezing at acne. Ask a dermatologist if your acne hasn’t responded to over-the-counter acne treatment, however, keep in mind that too much acne treatment can actually cause more acne.