Thousands of people suffer from hair loss and baldness, and are looking for effective solution of these problems. Some natural plants have been used to prevent and reduce hair loss. Here are some of them.
Hair growth can be stimulated by massage because it facilitates the circulation of blood and oxygen circulation in the scalp. Aroma therapists use the following recipe: massage your scalp with six drops of lavender and bay essentials oils in a base of almond, soybeans or sesame oil. Wait for 20 minutes and wash your hair with normal shampoo mixed with three drops of essential oil.
Saw Palmetto extract is very effective treatment for hair loss as it is anti-androgen. Women who use oral contraceptives or hormones should not take Saw Palmetto.
Nettle Root Extract is also very promising hair loss remedy. Nettles are rich sources of vitamins A and C, some important minerals and lipids which can be really beneficial to the hair. You can find nettle root extract in health food stores. You can buy it without prescription but keep in mind that is has a few side effects.
Rosemary and sage are also known to be beneficial to the hair. You may boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock, and wash your hair with the liquid every day. This will help for a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and hair thickening.
Aloe Vera is among the most effective means for maintenance of healthy hair and prevention of hair loss. Native Americans and people in the Caribbean region have been using aloe very for many years. The plant stimulates the healing of the scalp and the balancing of the pH level of the skin. It also cleanses the pores. A preparation of Aloe Vera, wheat germ oil and coconut milk may be used as a shampoo and is very effective.