A lot of people worldwide suffer from high blood pressure. This condition can be dangerous if it is not controlled. Usually, people use prescription medications to lower high blood pressure, but there are also natural and safe ways to do this.
The first thing you can do is to walk. It is proven that people with high blood pressure benefit from walking at a brisk pace. Exercises can also be valuable as they help the heart to use oxygen in an effective way. It is recommended that hypertensive patients do cardio exercises for about 30 minutes per day.
Slow breathing is another natural method to lower high blood pressure. Such kind of breathing, as well as meditation, is practiced in yoga and tai chi. Both are very beneficial for the reduction of stress hormones, which are known to increase the levels of rennin. This is a kidney enzyme that increases blood pressure. You should inhale deeply and expand the belly, then exhale. Repeat this procedure for 5 minutes in the morning and before you go to bed.
Consume foods that are rich in potassium. A dosage of 2000-4000 mg potassium per day will do wonders for people with high blood pressure. Sweet potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, peas and dried fruits contain high levels of potassium, so you should include them in your diet.
High blood pressure increases the risk for stroke, heart attack, heart failure, degraded blood circulation in the bones and kidney failure. Many people have high blood pressure without knowing about it because there is no early warning signals.