The softer and more relevant skin is the normal skin which is clear, pimple free, soft, smooth and without any greasy or flaky areas. The skin is neither dry nor greasy and is considered to be the fine and supple surface. The inner health of the skin is shown out which is due to the circulation as well as with outstanding health.
There are women who might develop pimples just before the menstruation. This is due to some kind of hormonal activity taking place in the body that results in making the sebaceous glands over active. But acne could never be considered as a problem for those having normal skin. For maintaining the beauty of the skin special care is always needed, otherwise it might lead to wrinkling and aging.
There are several things to be performed to keep your skin healthy and young always. These are known to be simple procedures that would help you make it silky smooth and glowing.
1. Make it a habit to clean the skin twice daily using mild baby soap and water and along with a mild toner like rose water.
2. Moisturizer could be applied to the face every night before sleep to balance the moisture content in the skin. Preferably home made moisturizers or even night creams are chosen.
3. Cleansing is said to be very important for every skin type and for this mild cleanser could be opted for. This keeps the pores tight and an astringent could be used to remove any traces of cleanser present on the skin. While using astringent make sure that these are alcohol free or having low astringent content.
4. While using hair dryers always make sure to keep the face away from the heat.
5. For retaining surface moisture, mild, oil-based moisturizer under makeup is preferred.
6. Sunscreen is very important these days as it prevents any effects of drying and aging.
7. A nondrying mask could be always used to stimulate the blood circulation and also to maintain the smoothness of the surface of the skin. This procedure could be adopted at least once in every two weeks.
Applying make up on this type of skin lasts long and also looks smooth. The most important thing to be cared for is the premature ageing experienced under the eyes. This is because there is lack of moisture in this area due to the absence of the sebaceous activity.
1. Facial massaging is said to be the topmost choice. It provides various advantages like toning and tightening the muscles of the face. The circulation is also improved with the use of natural skincare blends. It keeps your skin healthy, nourished and even young.
2. Lots of water should be drunk along with eating fruits and vegetables. Another important things needed are exercise and fresh air to breath.
3. Applying sunscreen would protect a lot from the harmful effects of the sun. This would also prevent premature ageing.
4. There are a lot of essential oils which could come in use. It includes a blend of lavender, jasmine and geranium which are mixed into the base oil. Jasmine has its property of balancing the skin, lavender regenerates, heals and stimulated the prevention of scarring and geranium is known for its balancing properties and even aids circulation.
5. The base oil used could be jojoba oil, almond oil and carrot oil. Other essential oils recommended for normal skin are fennel, lavender, rose, chamomile, sandalwood, lemon, patchouli and geranium.
An added tip is to use honey beneath the mask treatments which is considered to be very important for normal skin. Honey is the best ingredient which could regulate the moisture of the skin. It is also good for dry as well as sensitive skin. Aromatherapy could sometimes cause irritation and to prevent this it is always recommended to use 50 drops of essential oil in 100ml of the carrier oil. For sensitive skin it is always preferred to use lemongrass and tea tree which could only be diluted 1-2%.
sourse: http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/guides/skin-types/
Getting health right is not always about all that though is it? Sometimes I find it’s more of a state of mind than anything else, where you need to be in total control of what you are trying to achieve. That probably sounds a bit voodoo, but you know what I mean.
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