Whether you’re trying to drop a few pounds or flush out toxins, juice cleanses are all the rage right now! While you may not be able to last 14 days on juice alone (we made it four hours!), a mere 24-hour sacrifice is certainly doable. Dr. Oz Garcia PhD (who looks after the nutritional needs of Kim Cattrall and Hilary Swank) teamed up with BluePrint Cleanse to create a juicing system that will revitalize you in a single day. Here he shares five vital tips for successfully preparing your mind and your body for a one-day juice cleanse.
1. Cleanse Preparation
A successful once-per-week cleanse lies in the preparation. Whether your goal is to begin a diet, boost your health or just detox, the key to your success lies in your prep. The day before your cleanse is the time to prepare your home for success. Rid your pantries of processed foods, sugar and bad carbs. This will help you eliminate temptation and allow you to focus on your desired goals. Make sure not to binge before your cleanse. It’s normal to be anxious, but it’s easier than you think.
2. Pamper and Indulge Yourself
Have faith in your own strength and treat yourself to some extravagance. You may wish to indulge yourself with a spa day, a full body massage, or simply treat yourself to a facial.
3. Exercise and Perspiration
It’s possible that your stamina will suffer during your cleanse. You still need to keep active, so stretch or do a light workout to keep your body moving and your muscles toned. Perspiring is an important part of effective cleansing. Spend some time in a sauna, a steam room or Jacuzzi.
4. Get Sleep
Being sluggish is normal when your body is expelling toxins. Remember to always try to get 8 hours of sleep each night to give your body that much needed rest. On the night of your once-per-week cleanse, try going to sleep an hour earlier than normal. In the morning, you’ll find that your thoughts will be clearer, your energy will be improved, you will be less bloated and ready to tackle anything that comes your way.
5. Journal Your Day
Before your first juice for the day, take a few moments to journal how you feel, your weight, how you slept and your goals for the day. Throughout the day, journal your energy levels, how your skin looks and generally how you feel. After your last juice of the day, jot down how you feel on all levels and take the time to reflect on your day and your thoughts for next week’s cleanse.
source: http://diet.glam.com/articles/features/how_to_prep_for_a_juice_cleanse/