We all know that excess consummation of salt is not healthy. But we don’t know how much salt we eat with the food. Most of the salt in our diet comes from processed and package food, as well as fast food. Canned soups and frozen meant, for example, may contain sodium that exceed the recommended amount. Many people don’t know how much sodium they consume every day. And excessive salt consummation may cause many problems.
Doctors and scientists have come to the conclusion that we need about 2,300 mg of sodium per day. This equals one teaspoon of salt. Most of us, however, consume much more without even know it.
We should know that salt is not bad but we should be careful how much we eat. Sea salt of high quality may contain up to 90 minerals which are healthy and necessary for our bodies.
What should we know in order to get benefits from salt? First of all, try to limit its consummation, do not put much salt when you cook, and make sure to look at the contents of processed foods you buy.
Also, when you buy salt, you should look for sea salt with reddish or brownish tint. It should not have any colouring, additives and chemicals, and it should not been bleached.
All this will contribute to you healthy eating and will be beneficial for your body and general health.