Fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary food as they are not very caloric but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and various protective plant compounds. They are a main part of a healthy diet because they are great nutrients. Fruits and vegetables should be part of every meal and should be preferred… Continue reading
Tag: benefits
About coffee
Tea is the most popular beverage worldwide (after water), but coffee is close behind it in industrialized countries. While caffeine is a natural component of both tea and coffee, coffee contains more of it: anywhere from 60 to 120 milligrams in six ounces, depending on brewing methods and other factors. Caffeine is a mild psychoactive… Continue reading
What are the meanings of folic acid?
Having a healthy baby means making sure you’re healthy, too. One of the most important things you can do to help prevent serious birth defects in your baby is to get enough folic acid every day — especially before conception and during early pregnancy. What Is Folic Acid? Folic acid, sometimes called folate, is a… Continue reading
Flax oil and it healthy benefits
Flax oil, with the possible exception of hemp oil, is considered the most nutritious of oils. With generous quantities of Omega-3 fatty acid (over 50% by volume) and Omega-6 fatty acid (around 20%), flax oil has been touted as a healing oil by many different writers and healers. Flax oil also contains unsaturated alpha linolenic,… Continue reading
Which are health benefits of Omega3 And Omega6 Fatty Acids
Benefits of Omega3 And Omega6 Fatty Acids Oils and fats are the most concentrated foods we have. Weight for weight, they contain more than twice as much fuel or energy value as any other food. Taken in moderation they are easily digested, but if taken in excess they become a burden to the system. About… Continue reading
Fructose sugar vs. White sugar
Almost all foods contain natural fructose sugar Of all the questions we answer on a daily basis, the one we hear most often is, “Why do so many of Natural Ovens’ products contain fructose?” Simply put, most of the foods you consume were not designed for your optimal benefit, such as being alert and focused,… Continue reading