Man’s best friend could use a good eyeballing once in awhile-believe us, your dog won’t take it personally! In fact, giving him regular home eye exams will help keep you alert to any tearing, cloudiness or inflammation that may indicate a health problem. Check out the following ways to help keep your dog’s vision sharp-and… Continue reading
Tag: cares
Some tips for everyday cares for your hair
Health, strength and beauty of hair depends primarily on its nerve vigor and the good circulation of the oily scalp secretion which gives it gloss and luster. Beauty is not so much a matter of color where hair is concerned. If your hair has a fine glow, a rich sheen, is thick and long, it… Continue reading
I want a pet bird, but I wonder it is right for me
Pet Parrots Can be Very Messy, Loud and Expensive Before you decide to bring home a pet bird or parrot, make sure you know what you are getting in to. Before you decide to get your first pet bird, there is a lot of research that you should do. Getting a parrot or pet bird… Continue reading
Can I take care for a frog at home?
Important! Frogs can make lovely pets, but frogs in the wild are facing population declines and extinction largely as a result of human activities. Unfortunately, the pet trade is likely contributing to the amphibian extinction crisis and the spread of an devastating infection by Chytrid fungus. For this reason, you should only buy frogs that… Continue reading
Pet squirrels – how to take care for them?
Squirrels are adorable little critters that are fun to watch in the wild, and can make wonderful pets! They are found almost everywhere in the world and in several different climates. Description: Squirrels are small rodents varying form 6-12 inches in body length and 4-10 inches in tail length. Weight for flying and red… Continue reading
Basics things that you should know about your skin’s pores
Everybody’s got ’em — they’re the openings to our oil glands. But whether or not you pay attention to your pores probably depends on their size. If you don’t spend much time poring over your pores, chances are they’re small and don’t get clogged too often. But if your pores are on the larger side,… Continue reading
Homemade treatments about your skin
It’s always nice, but not necessary, to visit a salon to get top-notch treatments. Here’s how to pamper yourself with some popular offerings without leaving home. When you have the time and cash on hand for a salon treatment, there’s nothing like a professional pampering. But you can get great results on your own with… Continue reading
A canary bird – little beauty at home
There are a wide variety of canaries and a broad range of reasons for which people choose to keep them such as highly specialized breeding, exhibiting or as pets. This article relates to keeping a single canary or a small group as pets indoors. Some aspects will be relevant to other types of canary but… Continue reading