According to psychologists, each child faces a developmental crisis, and this is the main turning point in his or her life. The main stages that children go through include identity vs. confusion, industry vs. inferiority, initiative vs. guilt, doubt and autonomy vs. shame, and trust vs. mistrust. The first stage or conflict is trust vs.… Continue reading
Tag: child
Diet of the father can affect of the health of the new generation
In accordance with new interesting fact and evidence, parental health behaviors before conception may play an important role in the health of offspring to a greater degree than previously understood. Oliver J. Rando, MD, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology at UMMS and principal investigator for the study says, that they explorer and… Continue reading
The sleep and autistic children
All parents intermittently deal with children who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. These temporary sleep difficulties are normal. However, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) appear to have more ongoing sleep-related difficulties. The number of families affected varies from study to study, but significant sleep problems can occur in 40%—80% of children with… Continue reading
When is normal your kid to talk understandly
Your son is 2 years old and still isn’t talking. He says a few words, but compared with his peers you think he’s way behind. You remember that his sister could put whole sentences together at the same age. Hoping he will catch up, you postpone seeking professional advice. Some kids are early walkers and… Continue reading
Fitness and your teen age child
Kids who enjoy sports and exercise tend to stay active throughout their lives. Immediate benefits include maintaining a healthy weight, feeling more energetic, and promoting a better outlook. Participating in team and individual sports can boost self-confidence, provide opportunities for social interaction, and offer a chance to have fun. And regular physical activity can help… Continue reading
How to protect child teeth in 7 steps
The toddler had 16 teeth. Despite his young age, four of the teeth were so decayed that they needed dental crowns. This toddler‘s parents didn’t realize how important baby teeth are, says Beverly Largent, DMD, the Paducah, Ky., dentist who cared for the child. Largent says she tells parents it’s crucial to care for baby… Continue reading
Young australian children with Diabetes type 1 need an assistent to transition to adult diabetes care
Young rural Australians with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) have limited access to adult diabetes health services and contact with specialist staff, and aren’t effectively transitioning from child to adult health services, according to an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia. The article finds that diabetes the management of young Australians, and uptake… Continue reading
What is the difference between nightmare and night terror and how you can avoid it
“Moooooommmmmmmeeeeeee!!!!” The ear-splitting scream catapults you out of bed at 2 a.m. Your 4-year-old is crying inconsolably. Is it a nightmare or a night terror? What’s the difference? And what can you do about them? Handling nightmares is a bit easier than night terrors, Altmann says. She prescribes a healthy sleep routine: Before bed, avoid… Continue reading