Interviews with members of more than 5,000 representative U.S. households as part of the National Comorbidity Survey Replication found that nearly 40 percent of those with major depressive disorder may actually have subthreshold hypomania, defined as a discrete period of increased energy, activity, and euphoria or irritability that is not related to impairment in daily… Continue reading
Tag: human
The dogs imitators
Dogs just can’t help it. They automatically and voluntarily imitate the behavior of their owners, even if it costs them a snack. A new study by scientists at the universities of Vienna and Oxford says it provides the first evidence that dogs copy at least some of the behaviors and body movements of people in… Continue reading
The products which are a poisons for your dog
Last year, there were more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning in the U.S. Many of these were caused by substances you probably have in your home, substances that may seem perfectly harmless to you. But just because something is safe for people doesn’t mean it won’t hurt beloved pets. Some of the most dangerous… Continue reading
What are the efects of oil spills on a human health
University of Rhode Island Pharmacy Professor Bongsup Cho knows there are cancer-causing chemicals in diesel fumes and cigarette smoke. The biomedical scientist also knows that some of the same chemicals are found in the gooey tar balls that are being produced as a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which began… Continue reading
The climate take influence of human health
A report just released by a federal working group highlights 11 key categories of diseases and other health consequences that are occurring or will occur due to climate change. The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, provides a starting point for coordination of federal research to better understand climate’s impact on human health.… Continue reading
Your lifetime didn’t be shorten if you donate kidney
A study of over 80,000 American live kidney donors found they were likely to live just as long as people who have two healthy kidneys and that the procedure carries very little medical risk. You can read about the landmark study by lead author and transplant surgeon Dr Dorry L Segev, from the Johns Hopkins… Continue reading
Information for beta carotene
Ten carotenes, colored molecules synthesized only in plants, show vitamin A activity. In other words, they function like vitamin A. However, only the alpha- and Beta-Carotenes and cryptoxanthin are important to man, and Beta-Carotene is the most active. Beta-Carotene and other carotenoids that can be converted by the body into retinol are referred to as… Continue reading
The Importance of Vitamins
Vitamins are natural nutrients which are essential for the body even though they are needed only in very small amounts. The word “vitamin” was firstly used in 1911 by a Polish chemist and is a combination of two words: vital, which means life, and amine, which is a chemical group incorrectly believed to occur in… Continue reading