There is hardly a man who hasn’t experience impotence problems at some point of his life. This condition usually occurs in elderly men but many young men are plagued by it, too. What is impotence? This is the condition when a man can’t obtain an erection or can’t maintain it for a longer period of… Continue reading
Tag: impotence
Causes of Impotence
Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is a plague for many men. This is generally described as a man’s inability to obtain an erection or to maintain it long enough in order to have sex. In some cases, impotence means that a man cannot ejaculate during a sexual act. Most men experience this problem at a certain… Continue reading
Experts talk for strong link between impotence and heart desease
International experts are calling for all men experiencing impotence to undergo thorough medical assessments, after an extensive review showed that a significant proportion of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) exhibit early signs of coronary artery disease (CAD). A paper published in the June issue of IJCP, the International Journal of Clinical Practice, shows that men… Continue reading