This fruit can help you fight off colds, whiten teeth, even smooth out wrinkles. Cold fighter Use grape juice to ward off colds. The fruit boosts immunity by increasing the amount of gamma-delta T cells in your body, University of Florida research says. Try this smoothie: Blend 1/2 cup each grape juice, low-fat vanilla yogurt,… Continue reading
Tag: skin
It is just a mole or…a skin cancer
To find out whether it is a mole or cancer, check your skin every few months, because most skin cancers start as irregular spots, says Ariel Ostad, MD, assistant professor of dermatology at New York University. Normal mole What it is: A mole is a harmless spot that develops in childhood or later in life… Continue reading
All for zits
Acne (say: ak-nee) — also known as pimples or zits — is a totally normal part of growing up. Kids get acne because of changes that occur during puberty, the time when kids’ bodies begin the many changes that turn them into adults. When you got your first pimple, you probably ran to ask your… Continue reading
Risks for persistent Neurodermatitis
A child who can’t stop scratching himself may well be suffering from atopic dermatitis, also known as neurodermatitis. Extreme irritability of the skin with a concomitant urge to scratch is typical of the disorder. The condition often appears during the first year of life and is on the increase in industrialized countries. The patient’s skin… Continue reading
Clove oil for itchy rash
A new study from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) has found that the major component of clove oil may be a promising lead as a new topical treatment for scabies. Dr Cielo Pasay said that plant essential oils have long been studied for their effects against mites, ticks, lice and mosquitoes. “Essential oils… Continue reading
Body and soul: Hot stone massage
What is a Hot Stone Massage? Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. Heated smooth, flat stones are placed on key points on the body. The massage therapist may also hold the stones and use them to massage certain areas of the body. The use of hot stones for healing dates back… Continue reading
Some home made skin masks
Avocado Carrot Cream Mask This mask combines avocados, which are rich in Vitamin E, with carrots, which are high in beta-carotene and antioxidants, and cream, which is high in calcium and protein. These ingredients will rebuild skin collagen, improve tone and texture, and fade age spots. *1 avocado, mashed *1 carrot, cooked and mashed *1/2… Continue reading
Homemade sunscreen
When I first stumbled upon this recipe for DIY sunscreen, I was a little wary because the SPF factor is unclear. But, after researching zinc oxide, I’ve come to find out that it is the best absorbent of both UVA and UVB light and it is photostable (meaning its chemical breakdown is unchanged upon sun… Continue reading