Probably you have an idea to get a new pet bird?? Of course different species need unique care and all they are wonderful but here you will find some general guidelines which are useful for all bird species.
First of all you should choose absolutely healthy pet bird.To buy sick birds is just out of the question even if price is good. When you notice some symptoms of disease, probably its illness is already quite advanced. If you see a bird droopy, tired, ruffled, or its head is under its wing, do not choose it. If you see it sitting on the bottom of the cage, if you hear it sneezing, or if you notice that it has a discharge out of its nostrils or if there are droppings on its tail feathers, they are also symptoms of an unhealthy bird.
Be careful also with clicking sounds when the bird breathes or if its tail bobs, then probably the bird has respiratory disease so choose another one. Signs that a pet bird has good health are clean shiny feathers, bright eyes, lots of energy and good appetite because healthy birds eat frequently and are more active. To be sure in choosing a healthy pet, purchase your pet bird from a breeder or a reputable bird store.
When you buy your new pet bird , the first thing you should do is to take it to an avian veterinarian for a ” check up” .In case there is a health problem with the bird reputable pet stores will accept a sick bird back without any problems because the pet store or breeder will maintain healthy birds.
Also the avian vet can put your bird on a special diet, training, hygiene, maintenance, and medical needs. Do not listen those pet stores that claim that their birds do not need medical attention. It is of a great importance for all birds to get routine check ups, the first one should be when they are newly bought and then once a year.
Next step is to think about up your bird’s new home? First of all it should be safe and comfortable. A good decision is to purchase the largest cage you can reasonably afford in your home. So the risk your bird to slip its head between the bars is small. Also the cage should be easy for cleaning and should have an easy access to water and food containers. The perches should be of natural branches like manzanita, eucalyptus and madrona which are safe wood material for birds to chew and they can be in varying sizes . You can choose a cage from a bird store or you can create your own design. Before placing them into the cage rinse them off carefully. If you already have another pet bird, put your new pet bird in an isolated place if you want your feathered pets to feel well.The avian vet can give your some good advice for this.
Diets for birds can vary depending on different species, but usually about 50% of a bird’s diet should be nuts and seeds. The other 50% should be leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, small amount of lean cooked meats ,boiled eggs, cheese, and other human food” which should also contain powdered vitamins. Some of the birds also love yogurt.Do not forget that all birds need fresh water every day.
Do not use walnut shell bedding material for bottom of the cage because it can carry the fungal infection so called aspergillus.Instead of this use corn cob or paper towel bedding as they allow to be cleaned or replaced every day.
It is important to find an avian veterinarian because not all vets treat birds. Usually pet stores or breeders who you have purchased your bird from have a referral to a avian practitioner.Anyway if you can not find one, you should ask local Veterinary Association for a referral.
Those pet bird owners who have already raised pets know how dangerous a house could be. In the first 24 hours of arrival your new birds can find every available risky item while exploring the new place. If you already have a dog or a cat, you may think that you are prepared to safely welcome, because there are no risks for dogs or cats in your home and you assume that a pet bird will be safe into your lives. But you may be surprised as bird pets add a whole new dimension to their new owner’s worries.
Have in mind that they differ from dogs and cats because birds fly into mirrors or windows which is very risky for them to injure themselves. Use decals or curtains as they help birds avoid a crash. If your bird flies out of windows, you will never see him again so if your bird is out of the cage stay nearby. Also you can use screens for windows and doors.
A bird flying around the house can be a real disaster so ceiling fan is absolutely forbidden and also the other mechanical appliances. Birds can be injured if they fall into electric beaters or on hot surfaces in the kitchen, even into scalding water. Be always prepared for unexpected situations like when you open the oven, your bird to pop in it!
Even if your bird is always into the cage it is always possible to escape so you should follow some of these precautions because accidents can happen for example when you want to spend some time with the bird at your shoulder. Almost all birds like attention and human interactionso you should plan for avian safety everywhere in your home.
Birds are also very sensitive to toxins in the air . People in the past used canaries in mine shafts to warn them of gas accumulation. Most cleaners produce dangerous airborne contaminants and are fatal to birds. The same can happen with strong cooking odors or smoke. Fume can also kill birds.
Even a small pool of water can be dangerous for birds as they can drown in it. On the other hand narrow glasses full of very hot water are also risky as birds don’t expect that there can be hot water. The uncovered toilet bowl is another risk of bird’s injuries. Avoid perfumes and hair spray if your bird likes water play or even enjoys showers with you.
The other main problem with pet birds is chewing as birds chew anything they can get into their beaks. So it is of a great significance to provide safe woods and chew toys. It is very important not to keep dangerous items at home. Forget all things made of lead like stained glass, costume jewelry, fishing weights,or metal toys. Hide electric cords. Take out poisonous plants.
Try to get in the habit of thinking about dangerous for your bird things and you will avoid the dangers. Strong smelly things can kill birds like nail remover and polish, colored ink, aerosol sprays, paint fumes, and cigarette smoke. Keep other petslike cats, safely away.
There are so many things to remember and o avoid in keeping your pet birds safe as prevention, however, is always better to emergency medical intervention but keep the number of your trusted avian vet handy anyway.
source: http://www.petscomfortadvisor.com/pet_bird_care.html
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