Drawings of tumors have been found on turtle shells and “oracle bones” dating from the eleventh century B.C. Medical texts dating from 200 B.C. have detailed descriptions of tumors and their causes. Cancer is well known and well documented in Chinese medical literature. Yet there is no word for cancer in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This is because Chinese medicine has always regarded cancer as several different diseases rather than a single disease. Ironically, modern physicians are beginning to recognize this as well.
Perhaps in our search for “The Cure”, we can find a measure of help in the vast experience of Chinese medicine. Chinese holistic herbal medicine for cancer is based on the principle of Fu Zheng Gu Ben.
“Fu Zheng” means strengthening what is correct. “Gu Ben” means regeneration and repair. Treating cancer with Chinese herbs requires diagnosing according to the four examinations. The aim of treatment is to harmonize the patient as well as to attack cancer.
Chinese Herbal Holistic Medicine for Cancer: What’s In An Anti-Cancer Formula
1- Herbs to Reduce Stagnation. The accumulation (tumor) is attacked with strong blood breaking and anti-cancer herbs. Herbs will differ according to the location of the cancer. Because many patients receive chemotherapy, and because toxicity may be a disease factor, anti-toxic herbs are often added.
2 – Herbs to Strengthen the Immune System and balance the body.
Reduce excess and supplement deficiencies. Most important is the body’s immune energy (wei qi) which must be heightened to help subdue the cancering process. One or more herbs are also included to strengthen digestion and absorbtion of the cancer medicine.
3 – Herbs to Eliminate the Root Causes of the Cancer to prevent recurrence. We must seek to understand what is the cause, or the causes
Some Chinese herbs commonly used to treat cancer.
Vitalize Blood and/or Qi Herbs |
Anti-Cancer Herbs |
Strengthening Herbs |
Other Herbs |
Chih Ko
Rei Shi
Yi Yi Ren
E Zhu
Lu Feng Fang
Xi Yang Shen
Tao Ren
Long Kui
Shu Di Huang
Bai Mao Gen
Hong Hua
Ban Zhi Lian
Gan Cao
Mu Li – Oyster Shell
San Leng
Dong Ling Cao
Dang Gui
Pu Gong Yin
Wu Ling Shi
Bai Hua She She Cao
Bie Jia
Ji Xue Teng
Some Common Anti-Cancer Base Formulas
Breast cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (20 %), taraxacum (20 %), scutellaria (20 %), aurantium (20 %), curcuma (20 %)
Stomach cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (40 %) and imperata (30 %) or use scutellaria (15%) and imperata (15%)
Esophageal cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (25 %), scutellaria (25 %), imperata (25 %), cotton root (25 %)
Colon cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (60 %), scutellaria (15 %), solanum (60 %), sanguisorba (30 %), viola (15 %)
Ovarian cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (20 %), scutellaria (30 %), solanum (30 %), turtle shell (20 %)
Lung cancer herbs:
scutellaria (50 %), taraxacum (12.5 %), ophiopogonis (12.5 %), oldenlandia (25 %)
Liver cancer herbs:
oldenlandia (30%), scutellaria (30%), phragmites (10%), peonae alba (30%)
source: http://www.drshen.com/chineseherbsforcancer.htm#tcmcancertreatment
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