Oils are applied easily to the skin for a light, even glide and smooth workability. Pure cold-pressed oils are ideal for therapists looking for natural products. Here are some common choices:
- Almond oil is an excellent emollient (softening and soothing to the skin) and also helps the skin to balance its loss and absorption of moisture. This oil is one of the most popular of the carrier oils used in aromatherapy and massage, since it is non-greasy, spreads easily and is also great for nourishing the skin. The aroma is light, slightly sweet and nutty.
- Grapeseed oil is rich in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid quite important for the skin and the cell membranes. It is purported to have regenerative and restructuring qualities and has great skin moisturizing properties. Grapeseed oil is a great non- greasy oil to use, but could be enriched by blending it with another carrier, such as almond or wheat germ. This is fine textured, oil with a very light, slightly sweet hint of a nutty aroma, and with a satiny finish. It contains vitamins, minerals, and protein, GLA, and a small amount of vitamin E.
- Apricot oil has moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing properties and is particularly helpful for dehydrated, delicate, mature and sensitive skin. It is also helpful to soothe inflammation. This finely textured oil spreads easily and is particularly rich in both oleic acid and linoleic acid.
- Avocado oil is often used for clients with dry or mature skin, people suffering from eczema, psoriasis or similar skin complaints. It is also very useful when treating sun or climate damaged skin that is dehydrated and under nourished, as it is said to help with the regenerating of the skin and softening of the tissue. Although it can be used pure, it is in most cases mixed with another carrier, such as Almond, or Grapeseed. It is easily absorbed into the skin and deep tissue, and has wonderful emollient properties, making it excellent for use in all massage blends.
- Jojoba oil closely resembles that of your own skin; it is an excellent moisturizer and is ideal for all skin types. It can in most cases be used on blemished skin without any problems, as it helps to control acne. Jojoba is also a favorite oil to use as a carrier oil for aromatherapy as it penetrates the skin easily and is suitable for all skin types. The aroma is light to medium, not as sweet as the nut oils.
- Wheat germ oil has a high vitamin E content and essential fatty acids, thus it is used extensively in aromatherapy massage blends. It is said to promote a smoother, younger-looking skin, assisting in healing scar tissue as well as stretch marks. It is too sticky to use on its own, but is wonderful when blended with a lighter carriers, such as sweet almond. When it is applied topically on to the skin it is said to help promote the formation of new cells, improve circulation, and help repair sun damage. It is also used to help relieve the symptoms of dermatitis. This carrier is said to stimulate tissue regeneration and is often added to other blends because of its antioxidant properties.
- Hazelnut oil is fine in texture, and has great moisturizing qualities. Hazelnut oil can help tone and tighten the skin while strengthening capillaries and assisting in cell regeneration.
- Holy oil is known as an ideal carrier oil due to its molecular structure. It carries essential oils deep into the skin. An excellent glide, non-greasy, odourless, hypoallergenic oil.
source: http://www.massagetherapy101.com/massage-oil/massage-oil.aspx