Today, urgent care centers account for about $14 billion in annual revenue in the United States. Many ailing or injured patients in the United States find urgent care facilities for the treatment of non-life threatening health complications. One of the main factors for the growth of the urgent care industry in the United States is due to the increasing caseload of primary care physicians, which can lead to difficulty with scheduling appointments, longer wait times, and decreased time spent with each patient.
To counter the time-consuming nature of waiting to be seen by a primary care physician, or long wait frequently experienced by patients in a hospital emergency room, urgent care services, and their walk-in treatment, help to ease these burdens. According to a survey conducted by The Urgent Care Association of American, 57% of patients wait 15 minutes or less to be treated for their injuries and ailments, and about 80% of all visits last 60 minutes or less. An urgent care facility can treat multiple health complications such as sinus infections, flu like symptoms, conduct x-rays, test for sexually transmitted diseases, provide immunizations, and other treatments for non-life threatening injuries and ailments.
Many urgent care facilities are often more accessible than your regular physician. Urgent care Highlands Ranch facility, for example, can provide treatments for walk-in patients even after hours. The urgent care Highlands Ranch facility is perfect for residents in the area who need to treat injuries and illnesses of a non-life threatening nature, but don’t want to wait long hours in a hospital emergency room, or can’t wait to schedule an appointment with their regular physician. With urgent care, no appointment is necessary, simply walk into one of these urgent care facilities for prompt care that is given on a first come, first serve basis.