If you’re reading this on your computer right now, you’re exposing your head and upper body to potentially dangerous electromagnetic fields from your computer screen. Laptops and desktop computers with LCD screens emit low levels of radiation. All TV sets, computers, and basically anything with a screen is going to be emitting EMF that is potentially harmful to your health. Any time your cell phone is turned on it is emitting EMF. It doesn’t help that cell phones are generally held close to or are touching a person’s face or head. As technologies advance and we develop longer term relationships with all manner of screens and other EMF producing devices, it becomes more and more necessary to go into an EMF safety store and consider your options for EMF safety.
Consider this:
The use of EMF producing devices like cell phone use is constantly rising. There is little indication that cell phone users are aware of the risks of EMF. The spread of cell towers in communities, often placed on pre-school, church day-care, and school campuses means that young children can have 1,000 times higher radiofrequency exposures in home and school environments than existed 20 to 25 years ago. Bioeffects of EMF and RF exposure can occur in the first few minutes at levels associated with something as simple cell and cordless phone use.
People are not made widely aware of EMF dangers. In 2007, studies showed that existing public safety limits for EMF were inadequate to protect public health, and biologically- based public safety limits were needed five years prior.
EMF is without a doubt, harmful to your health. A 2012 study showed that chronic EMF exposure produced physiological stress in cells even after just 1.5 years. Adults ages 81 to 91 with short-term exposure to cell phone radiation reported headache, neurological problems, sleep, and concentration problems.
Don’t wait for the varying effects of EMF to begin, take action to protect yourself now. Take a walk into an EMF safety store and look into getting any number of electromagnetic protection products. You could get a regular EMF shield or an EMF protection necklace if your prefer. You could get a laptop radiation shield or invest in some microwave shielding. The point is, there are a variety of options available to match your lifestyle and comfort level. An EMF safety store is certainly a good place to start, but don’t stop there, do research and get informed about EMF safety so you can take action to prevent as much harm as possible.