Getting a cancer diagnosis is a frightening and difficult thing for just about anyone and everyone in the world, there is certainly no doubting this fact. Fortunately, the treatment options for most types of cancer are better and more extensive than ever before. From radiation treatment for cancer to proton cancer treatment to chemotherapy, there are many courses of treatment that have been found to be quite impactful and effective indeed in the fight against cancer.
Proton radiation treatment for cancer has become particularly notable, as this proton radiation treatment for cancer has become highly successful in treating a number of different cancers. Proton therapy for cancer like prostate cancer is becoming more commonplace, as this treatment of prostate cancer is quite successful in the majority of patients. In fact, even those who have been diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer have a nearly 75% chance of staying cancer free for at least five years after treatment, if not even longer than that, if not forever. In those who have been diagnosed with intermediate risk prostate cancer, these chances rise to a 94% likelihood of remaining cancer free. And for those who have been diagnosed with low risk prostate cancer, proton radiation treatment for cancer basically guarantees a long term cure, as these patients have at least a 99% chance of remaining cancer free for the bare minimum of five years, after which cancer patients in remission are considered to be cured.
Proton radiation treatment for cancer has been found to be quite effective for other types of cancer as well. Treatment for breast cancer has become common, as has treatment for head and neck cancer. Proton therapy for head and neck cancer can be particularly successful because of the targeted approach that proton therapy offers, especially in comparison to traditional forms of radiation treatment for cancer. This means that the tumor can be targeted with minimal damage done to the surrounding tissues, something that is very important indeed when a tumor is located in the brain.
Of course, this targeted approach is beneficial for the long term health of all patients. When proton radiation treatment for cancer is used for breast cancer, for instance, no radiation will end up going to the heart and causing unnecessary damage there. In addition to this, only half of the radiation will go the lungs in comparison to a more traditional radiation treatment for cancer. This will allow, as one might expect, a better long term result and quality of life for the patient in question.
Fortunately, the same can be said for prostate cancer patients who undergo proton therapy for prostate cancer. When traditional forms of radiation therapy for cancer like prostate cancer is used, it is an unfortunate side effect that many men find that their sex drive is often completely eradicated. With proton radiation treatment for cancer like prostate cancer, however, this is very much not the case. In fact, more than 90% of all men who undergo this type of treatment will be able to resume some type of sex life after the course of their treatment has been completed when treating prostate cancer is accomplished with proton therapy. For many of these men, a relatively normal sex life becomes quite possible.
And proton radiation treatment for cancer of all types is becoming more and more popular and common not just here in the United States but truly all throughout the world in its entirety. In fact, there were already more than 30 particle centers (containing a total of 80 treatment rooms) being constructed all throughout the world by the time that we had reached the year of 2015. In the years that are to come, this number is likely to increase and grow as proton treatment for cancer becomes more widespread than ever – and is able to save more lives than ever as well.
At the end of the day, treatment options for prostate cancer and many other types of cancer, ranging from breast cancer to head and neck cancer, are on the rise. This can be seen here in the United States, but also throughout the world.