We’re exposed to the superhuman beauty of celebrities on a near-daily basis. From our TVs to the grocery checkout line, there are constant reminders everywhere of the physical perfection of the stars. And when we see these images, the vast majority of us compare our own appearances to theirs — and wish we looked a little more like them.
The near-ubiquity of celebrity culture is having a major impact on the number of cosmetic surgery procedures. In 2011 alone, Americans underwent an incredible 14 million cosmetic surgeries like nose jobs, facelift surgery, Botox treatments and more.
And in its recently-released annual report, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS)’s surgeons reported seeing a 13% rise in the number of patient requests for celebrity-inspired procedures.
So which celebrities do we want to look the most like?
According to Yahoo News, renowned beauties like Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, Kate Middleton and Kim Kardashian are just some of the stars whose features are most-requested by plastic surgery patients. Because women are by far the most likely candidates for plastic surgery, accounting for 81% of all procedures, the list of celebrities is overwhelmingly female as well.
However, the fact that Angelina Jolie’s lips make her look stunning doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll look as good in the context of your unique facial features. You should get a cosmetic surgery to look the best that you can and to help show off the most beautiful parts of your appearance. In addition, most celebrity images aren’t exactly accurate depictions of reality.
“Celebrity photos are often so re-touched that their images are distorted … which can result in unrealistic expectations that propel consumers to seek excessive or extreme surgeries,” Stephen S. Park, MD, president of the AAFPRS, told Yahoo News.
So before you bring a laundry-list of celebrity features in to your cosmetic surgeon’s office, you might want to take some time and consider whether a plastic surgery is truly the right choice for you. For more, read this link.