If you have a loved one that suffers from drug or alcohol addiction and has realized that they need drug treatment and help, then be encouraged; overcoming the mental part can be the hardest step of all. For an addict to recognize that they have a dependency on a particular drug is major progress. From there, your loved one is going to have to decide whether they are going to a treatment program of some sort like a rehab or if the support of family and friends is all they need. At this point, they will be a lot more inclined to listen to what you have to say, so it’s a good idea for you to begin to encourage them to check in to a rehab in order to facilitate long term changes. Here are some reasons that rehab is the best option for treating drug and alcohol addiction.
Support System
Whether they are overcoming a methadone addiction or cocaine addiction or something else entirely, there is bound to be someone else at the rehab that is trying to get through the same thing. The great part about an in patient rehab, is that there is always going to be someone that is further along in the process and someone that is not as far along as your loved one. The benefit of this is that the person that is further along in the steps can encourage and help your loved one and in turn, your loved one can focus on the one that is behind him and pull him through the hard times. The ability to focus on someone else during treatment is crucial to recovery. People become addicts when they get so focused on themselves and forget about those around them, especially those that care about them. If they can help someone else during the treatment process, then this is a huge step in the right direction of restoring broken relationships.
Ibogaine Therapy
Ibogaine therapy isn’t available at every rehab facility so you would have to research it a little and find out where it is offered. Generally speaking, the facilities that offer ibogaine therapy are more like fancy resorts than rehabs. Ibogaine therapy has shown some great results in helping to squelch out withdrawal symptoms. In fact, ibogaine is responsible for curing 98% of withdrawal symptoms, particularly the ones that come from an opiate addiction. It also has been known to reduce the cravings for drugs and alcohol. It is really a remarkable invention and hopefully it will be more widely available in all rehab centers.
Limited Access
This may sound like a bad thing but the truth is, it’s a very good thing. Limited access refers to everything from visitors to drugs and alcohol. There are times that a recovering addict does not want to be surrounded by friends and family. They will go through a period of time of being ashamed and feeling guilty for their actions and may not want to face visitors. During this time, family and friends are advised to give their loved one some space. They will not be able to isolate themselves because of staying with others in the facility but they don’t have to face those that they feel they hurt until they are ready. This also refers to substances of course. There are no drugs or alcohol anywhere on the property of the rehab so there is no chance for a relapse during the initial steps of recovery.
Real World Preparation
A rehab will show you loved one how to get ready to face the real world. Once the process is completed within the rehab, the recovering addict will be discharged and allowed to go back home. At this point, they will be given instructions pertaining to going back to work, restoring familiar relationships and reaching out to friends, attending regular meetings as well as the best ways to stay away from the previous addiction.
This is not going to be a short and quick process and your loved one will need your love and support the entire time. Take cues from your loved one and let them take the lead on how much they want you involved in the recovery process.