Making sure that you and your family are well looked after is very important. Finding a good doctor that you can get to know and grow to trust is a significant first step in being able to provide your family members with the care that they need. And of course, taking care of your own health and wellbeing is crucial as well. You want to be able to live a full and happy life, as well as be able to provide everything that your family needs and deserves. But in addition to finding the right family physician, it is also a good idea to locate a quality urgent care express center, in the event that medical care is needed after your regular doctor’s office has closed for the evening or for the weekend.
Urgent care express as a backup option
You can be the most health conscious individual around, as well as the most careful and cautious, but no amount of work that you put in can absolutely guarantee that you or your family will never get hurt or sick. Accidents happen. We live in a hectic, busy, random world, and you never know what could happen in the very next moment.
When you develop a relationship with your doctor as a patient or the parent of the patient, there could be the occasion that you feel comfortable to call them up on their private line for some health advice. But imagine if every single patient felt free to do that. Your doctor would never get a break! And while doctors enter into their chosen profession in order to help people, if they themselves never get a break, they will inevitably not be able to provide good care for their patients. Finding out where your local urgent care express is located, you have a backup plan for when a fever spikes in the middle of the night, or when you’re not quite sure if that gash is going to require stitches or not.
Services that your urgent care express center provides
The good thing about the medical care that many urgent care centers provide is that it is often very similar to those that you would find in the emergency room. About 80% of urgent care centers are able to take care of fractures, seven out of ten centers can hook patients up with intravenous fluids, and many also provide x-rays and some onsite testing. While you may feel like you are waiting forever in other facilities, about 60% of urgent care locations have their patients waiting less than 15 minutes. And the majority of these places have a doctor at the location at all times.
Get to know your doctor. Make appointments when you can. But when health matters can’t wait, be prepared by knowing just where your local urgent care centers are.