Eating a healthy diet that includes allium containing vegetables, such as garlic, onions and leeks could protect women from developing painful osteoarthritis, suggested by researchers at King’s College London and the University of East Anglia. Understanding risk factors for osteoarthritis that affects more women than men after age 55 has not been completely understood. Often,… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Diet of the father can affect of the health of the new generation
In accordance with new interesting fact and evidence, parental health behaviors before conception may play an important role in the health of offspring to a greater degree than previously understood. Oliver J. Rando, MD, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology at UMMS and principal investigator for the study says, that they explorer and… Continue reading
Delicous tomatoes fight with cholesterol
If your cholesterol levels are too high, maybe you will need from the diet, that reduce your cholesterol and fat levels. The veggy that you may add to your daily diet is tomatoe. You can eat it prepared on differend ways. Scientists say this popular fruit contains a nutrient that can fight vascular disease such… Continue reading
HIV positive man was cured
There is report that a medic from Charite-Medical University in Berlin, has cured the patient with HIV. And this miricle salvation became fact with a bone marrow transplant. Although the news could potentially lead to more research into new treatments including gene therapy, Victor Maldonado of HealthHIV warns that the findings should be viewed with… Continue reading
Can Testosterone Therapy Stop Aging?
According to many scientists testosterone therapy can delay aging and can promote general health in men. It is known that testosterone therapy increases the muscle mass, sharpen the memory and concentration, and increases the energy levels. However, it is still not known if testosterone has anti-aging abilities as this field is not completely explored. Testosterone… Continue reading
Symptoms of Impotence
There is hardly a man who hasn’t experience impotence problems at some point of his life. This condition usually occurs in elderly men but many young men are plagued by it, too. What is impotence? This is the condition when a man can’t obtain an erection or can’t maintain it for a longer period of… Continue reading
Find the symptoms of breast cancer on time
In its early stages, breast cancer usually has no symptoms. As a tumor develops, you may note the following signs: A lump in the breast or underarm that persists after your menstrual cycle; often the first apparent symptom of breast cancer, breast lumps are painless, although some may cause a prickly sensation. Lumps are usually… Continue reading
Naturopathic treatment vastly improves anxiety
There is an association in USA, which is work load with the problems of the anxiety disorder, calles the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. According it, in the United States, there are over 40 million adults affected by an anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental illness in the states. People who have an… Continue reading