Bad news: The average person gains one to two pounds a year. Good news: Consuming just 100 fewer calories each day is enough to avert that weight gain. If you’re finding this out a little too late—and you want to actually lose some of that weight—you have to downsize by 500 calories a day. But… Continue reading
Author: News Health
The first signs of season flu 2010-2011 are already here
The first signs that the flu season is upon us have arrived, says the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). In some states, for example Georgia, reported cases of flu have suddenly risen so rapidly that state authorities are referring to a “regional outbreak”. It seems that the virus strains identified so far closely… Continue reading
The sleep and autistic children
All parents intermittently deal with children who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. These temporary sleep difficulties are normal. However, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) appear to have more ongoing sleep-related difficulties. The number of families affected varies from study to study, but significant sleep problems can occur in 40%—80% of children with… Continue reading
Australian researchers for tropical disease
This medical condition is currently endemic in 21 countries across Latin America killing more people in the region each year than any other parasite-born disease including malaria. Moreover its prevalence is growing in non-endemic developed countries including Australia, USA, Japan, Spain and more with around 8 million cases and 100 million people at risk. The… Continue reading
Foods for Stronger Erections
It is a well-known fact that an imbalanced diet can cause many health problems. Inappropriate food, lots of alcohol and cigarettes may interfere with your sexual life. If you want to have harder and stronger erections, you need to avoid drinking and smoking, as well as processed and refined food. Men should also know that… Continue reading
Skin Whitening with Natural Products
The skin tan is very important part of female beauty and women spend lots of money on expensive whitening creams and lotions. However, in most of the cases, these products are not only ineffective, but they can even be dangerous and cause many skin problems, such as irritation, pigmentation, pimples, etc. This is due to… Continue reading
What are the most common cat’s problems
When Cute Cats Become Problems Those loveable, cuddly kittens sometimes grow up to be loveable, cuddly cats with problems. Do you have a cat that sometimes forgets there’s a litter box? Here’s a rundown of the top 10 behavior problems that can drive cat owners batty. See what you might be able to do if… Continue reading
Some creams for eczema could worst the situation
New research at the University of Bath suggests that using emollient creams to relieve the symptoms of eczema could actually make the condition worse. The researchers, from the University’s Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, have published a study in the British Journal of Dermatology showing that aqueous cream BP reduces the thickness of healthy skin… Continue reading