Emu Heel Balm Ingredients: 6 teaspoons emu oil 1 teaspoon lanolin 2 teaspoons avocado butter 2 teaspoons beeswax 7 drops ylang ylang essential oil 20 drops orange essential oil 1 millileter Germaber II-E (optional) Blending Procedure: 1. Combine all ingredients except the essential oils and the preservative (if you are using) into a heat safe… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Scientist identify a molecular switch in developing brain
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital investigators have identified key components of a signaling pathway that controls the departure of neurons from the brain niche where they form and allows these cells to start migrating to their final destination. Defects in this system affect the architecture of the brain and are associated with epilepsy, mental retardation… Continue reading
Skin care for pregnant women
Avocado Butter Booty Balm Avocado Butter Booty Balm is a fabulous soft salve that is great at protecting baby’s bottom. Massage a bit during the diaper change to a clean bottom to place a barrier between her skin and a soiled diaper. Ingredients: .02 ounces (about 1 teaspoon) lanolin 1/2 ounce (about 6 teaspoons) sweet… Continue reading
Dangerous places for your cat
Cats love to play hide and seek, whether they’re scared, curious, or just in search of a cozy, quiet refuge to snuggle. But what seems like the perfect hidey-hole isn’t always the safest. When Allison Waters lived in an old carriage house, she didn’t realize that one of the cabinets in her pantry had an… Continue reading
There are new stratigies about treatment of cancer and flu
Biochemist and protein crystallographer Dr. Oliver Daumke of the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) Berlin-Buch, Germany, has won the “Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award 2010” in the biology category. He will receive the prize worth EUR 10,000 for his contributions to the understanding of the structure and function of GTP-binding (G) proteins… Continue reading
When is normal your kid to talk understandly
Your son is 2 years old and still isn’t talking. He says a few words, but compared with his peers you think he’s way behind. You remember that his sister could put whole sentences together at the same age. Hoping he will catch up, you postpone seeking professional advice. Some kids are early walkers and… Continue reading
Finally solved the obesity riddle
Researchers at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE), University of Copenhagen, can now unveil the results of the world’s largest diet study: If you want to lose weight, you should maintain a diet that is high in proteins with more lean meat, low-fat dairy products and beans and fewer finely refined starch calories such as… Continue reading
How to take care of your discus fish
Discus fish are one of the most magnificent tropical fish, but to have them can be a great challenge because their environment is very important. There you can find some key tips how to keep Discus healthy and happy: 1. The first tip is to keep the tank clean because Discus fish are very sensitive… Continue reading