Teen drug use is on the rise, especially in high-risk urban areas. According to a new study, however, teens often do not voluntarily disclose illicit drug use, even when they know they will undergo a drug test. The study, “Just Say ‘I Don’t’: Lack of Concordance Between Teen Self-Report and Biological Measures of Illicit Drug… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Essential oils glossary
A Angelica: Strengthens, restores, and anchors. Avoid use in full sun. Aniseed: Reduces cramping and indigestion. Do not use if pregnant. Armoise: Emollient and muscle relaxant. Do not use if pregnant B Basil: Soothes and tones. Use sparingly. Bay: Stimulates and energizes. Can irritate skin. Bergamot: Conditions skin, soothes. Antiseptic. Photo toxic. Birch Tar: Muscle… Continue reading
Glow skin with help of sea salt
Beautiful skin all over our body looks and feels great. To get a smooth skin is easy. The secret is exfoliation and moisturizing, just as we do in face. Try this simple, but effective treatment once o twice a week. You will feel and see the difference on your skin. Ingredients 1/2 cup of salt,… Continue reading
Wrinkles can be fight with laser therapy
Laser pulses enable skin rejuvenation, as research at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has shown. Laser treatment introduces heat into the skin. Under the influence of heat shocks of 45°C, skin cells produce more collagen. This is the protein that gives the skin its firmness and elasticity. Susanne Dams describes this process in the dissertation… Continue reading
Interesting facts about reptiles
Humans find the class Reptilia very fascinating as they are one of the most diverse groups of animals, the spectrum of their physical attributes and behaviors is really broad. You will find a lot of misunderstandings and myths about reptiles today but they are less than in the past because now we know more about… Continue reading
Essential aromas for lover’s nights
Red roses, jasmine gardens and French perfumes are all symbols of passion and love. Our eyes, our sense of touch and our nose help us to get aroused. In clinical aromatherapy, we have powerful substances to help raise the libido. These essential oils have been used for a long time, from the time of Cleopatra… Continue reading
Support and social protection for children with HIV and AIDS
In an effort to forge greater commitment for child sensitive social protection policies, 40 parliamentarians from ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa are gathering for a three day meeting in Windhoek, Namibia. Hosted by the Parliament of Namibia in partnership with Inter-Parliamentary Union and UNICEF, the forum aims to build consensus amongst parliamentarians for… Continue reading
Found a lacteria in celery of a Texas food company
After lab tests detected Listeria monocytogenes in chopped celery, Sangar Fresh Cut Produce has been told to shut down its food processing plant by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Listeria belongs to a group of bacteria with the potential to trigger miscarriages, stillbirths and premature births, as well as serious and sometimes… Continue reading