Younger women generally do not consider themselves to be at risk for breast cancer. Just under 7% of all breast cancer cases occur in women under 40 years old. However, breast cancer can strike at any age, and women of every age should be aware of their personal risk factors for breast cancer. There are… Continue reading
Author: News Health
The curse of every fifth woman – breast cancer and it symptoms
What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer? In its early stages, breast cancer usually has no symptoms. As a tumor develops, you may note the following signs: • A lump in the breast or underarm that persists after your menstrual cycle; often the first apparent symptom of breast cancer, breast lumps are painless, although some… Continue reading
Prostatitis and home treatment
Acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis If you have prostatitis caused by a bacterial infection (acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis), contact a health professional about your symptoms, especially if you have a fever. Antibiotics and other medications will be prescribed as needed. However, there are some things you can do at home that may help you… Continue reading
What a man can do when he start to lose hair?
It may seem a peculiar American vanity that men have in-boxes full of hair loss treatment offers and spend billions of dollars on hair loss treatments each year. Not so. As Gersh Kuntzman illustrates in his book Hair! Mankind’s Historic Quest to End Baldness, chrome-dome anxiety has tormented us for ages. Caesar’s laurel wreaths? Classic… Continue reading
Meet with dental abscess
A dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is an accumulation of pus that forms inside the teeth or gums. The abscess typically originates from a bacterial infection, often one that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth. Bacteria exist in plaque, a by-product of food, saliva and bacteria in the mouth which sticks to… Continue reading
The extract from green tea may help in the fight with Uterine Fibroids
An extract from green tea may be useful in treating uterine fibroids, a condition that affects 25%-30% of U.S. women, new research indicates. Fibroids of the uterus, a condition called uterine leiomyoma, can be debilitating, leading to excessive vaginal bleeding, anemia, and fatigue. Dong Zhang, MD, and colleagues from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tenn.,… Continue reading
Smart eating is a main part of healthy eating
Healthy eating involves not only the things we eat, but also the way we eat. The most important thing is that we should learn to eat “smart”. We should learn to pay attention to the food we choose and start consuming nourishing and enjoyable foods which will contribute to our healthy diet. Here are some… Continue reading
Which are top 10 of dog poisons
Last year, there were more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning in the U.S. Many of these were caused by substances you probably have in your home, substances that may seem perfectly harmless to you. But just because something is safe for people doesn’t mean it won’t hurt beloved pets. Some of the most dangerous… Continue reading