Having trouble remembering where you left your keys? Forgot the name of an acquaintance? A new study suggests that increasing your intake of magnesium, an essential mineral found in dark leafy vegetables and certain fruits, beans, and nuts, may help combat memory lapses associated with aging. In the study, published Jan. 28 in Neuron, neuroscientists… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Don’t take antidepressants – its may delay lactation
Early research suggests a link between antidepressant use and breastfeeding difficulties in new moms. The risk of delayed lactation after giving birth was twice as great among women in the study taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants as among new mothers who did not take the drugs. Just eight, or about 2%, of the… Continue reading
Autism and it symptoms and causes
Autism is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person’s life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person’s communication and social interaction skills. People with autism have issues… Continue reading
The healthiest foods in the world
Nature provides countless of foods which contain all ingredients required for our healthy living. However, there is no particular food that contains all these ingredients. Many scientists have tried to create a list of the healthiest foods in the world. But what are the criteria for including a food in this list? Foods should meet… Continue reading
New 106 health research projects cost €610 million
The European Commission announced today the funding of 106 health research projects which together will receive up to €610 million under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7). These projects cover issues such as diagnostics, new therapies and vaccines. They have been selected through the third call for proposals of the Health Programme of FP7.… Continue reading
Symptoms for wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth, technically called as third molar, are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth.They usually erupt when a person is between the age 17 and 22, which in ancient times was considered as the age in which a person was suppose to gain wisdom. A normal person has four wisdom teeth, two in… Continue reading
Tips for yellow teeth
Yellowing of teeth could be due to a number of factors such as lack of proper oral hygiene, smoking (nicotine deposits on teeth), and so on. However, some people have naturally yellowish teeth, which is not a defect per se. It is just that the outer layer of teeth is not mineralized properly in some… Continue reading
How to remove teeth tartar in home circumstances
Tartar or calculus is the hardened form of dental plaque. A white chalky substance, tartar is caused due to continual accumulation of minerals from saliva on plaque on the teeth. The build up, when ignored for a long time, can make your teeth look ugly, feel ugly and even smell ugly. In case you are… Continue reading