In any kind of medical situation that we can’t fix with a Band-Aid and some neosporin or a few pills, we tend to call 911 and head to the emergency room. In recent years, the emergency room has been flooded with cases that aren’t technically an “emergency,” although they’re serious enough to warrant attention from… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Side Effects and Pros and Cons of Marijuana
Legal medical marijuana has been a controversial issue but there are some genuine health benefits to it. Doctors who prescribe medical marijuana for pain management have stated that the results and success rate that they have seen is astounding. However, medical marijuana doctors do say that there should be a limit and patients need to… Continue reading
You Don’t Have to Suffer with Tinnitus, Tips for Living with It
Tinnitus is a common problem that many people in the United States experience on a regular basis. Nearly 25 million Americans, which is about 10%, have suffered from it for at least five minutes in the last 12 months. Many people seek out a tinnitus hearing test to see if what they are experiencing is… Continue reading
Why Rehab is the Best Choice for Recovering Addicts
If you have a loved one that suffers from drug or alcohol addiction and has realized that they need drug treatment and help, then be encouraged; overcoming the mental part can be the hardest step of all. For an addict to recognize that they have a dependency on a particular drug is major progress. From… Continue reading
Preventing Behavioral Problems in Children With EMF Shielding Fabric
Raising a child can be an overwhelming and scary thing. You want what is best for your child and you want to protect them from any dangers that the world has. You do your research extensively before giving your child and medications or any treatments, to ensure they won?t harm them any worse. You research… Continue reading
A Fuller, Thicker Head of Hair IS Possible
Unfortunately hair loss comes with aging. It is just one of the many things that our bodies do as they get older. Some people choose to accept that their hair is not as thick or as long as it once was, and others choose to do something about it. This is especially true of those… Continue reading
Sleep Apnea Affects Millions Luckily, There are Solutions
Sleep apnea affects nearly 20 million Americans, yet you might not hear about it that often. There are a myriad of reasons that someone may develop sleep apnea. Certain conditions — such as obesity — can also exacerbate the symptoms. It?s possible for those suffering from it to stop breathing for short periods of time,… Continue reading
Your Family Doctor Can Help With Weight Loss and Addiction Problems
Most people try and deal wth problems like anxiety, chronic pain, ADHD, and drug and alcohol abuse on their own. If you are shrugging with any of these problems, you may be surprised to learn that your family doctor can help you. Urgent care centers can enable you to consult weight loss physicians and medical… Continue reading