If you are on a diet, there are plenty of healthy, nutrient-rich foods to eat during the summer. This way, you will look your best when you go on vacation. Think of corn (but not genetically modified), tart cherries, and tomatoes. Tomatoes are packed with powerful antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. They contain lycopene, a… Continue reading
Author: News Health
A Guide to Cosmetics and Looking Your Best
According to cosmetologists, beauty products can give you a confidence boost but not good health. Women should take a holistic approach to life and beauty, and this includes proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and cosmetic products. Some women resort to pill popping and collagen injections while others use organic products only. The most important things to… Continue reading
Tips for Parents with Hyperactive and Naughty Preschoolers
Some children are naughty, misbehave, and refuse to follow directions. There are some tell-tell signs that help parents to determine whether their children are hyperactive or defiant. Your child is a brat if he/she refuses to share and is rude to children and adults. Such children ignore others when they talk or ask questions. They… Continue reading
Regulations on Alcohol Images Are Required to Protect Children
Children in the U.S are seeing less tobacco on TV thanks to tougher regulations. However, they are seeing more alcohol in movies and in advertisements. The research team examined 1,400 movies and the effect of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement on their content. According to an article published in AMA Pediatrics, the tobacco brand appearances… Continue reading
The power of talking
Virtually everybody has baggage from his or her childhood experiences. Our childhoods shape who we are and for many lucky people, those experiences are generally positive ones and they go on to lead full and balanced lives. For other people, the opposite is true whilst for the vast majority of us there are endless gradations… Continue reading
Low-Carb Diets Could Make You Sleepy
Low-carbing is a weight loss plan and lifestyle for millions of people around the world. According to a new study, your diet may affect your level of sleepiness. Some of the participants in the study ate a diet high in carbohydrates while others consumed more fat. Those who ate high-fat foods felt sleepy after consuming… Continue reading
Having a Dog Helps Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
According to researchers from the American Heart Association, having a pet friend is good for your heart. Dog owners get more exercise than people who don’t have pets. However, scientists can’t say whether it is exercise or having a dog that contributes to heart health. It may be that people who have dogs also have… Continue reading
5 Stress Factors to Avoid at Work and at Home
Stress is associated with racing and anxious thoughts, poor judgment and performance, memory problems, and moodiness. There are many warning signs which signal that you need time off of work. These include short temper, frequent colds, nervous habits, and emotional eating. Stress factors at work can cause depression, inability to relax, and neglect for… Continue reading