It is a well-known fact that the food and drinks we consume affect our bodies. Thus, if you eat foods rich in fat and sugar, this will reflect in the shape, size and texture of your body, and if you eat healthy and balanced food your body will be and look healthier. This principle applies… Continue reading
Tag: body
Body Detoxification with Herbs
There are numerous detoxifying diets, but most of them don’t stimulate the liver, lungs and the kidneys. If you want to detoxify your body organ by organ, you need to use herbs. There are different herbs for the cleaning of the different body organs. In addition, herbs will not only detoxify your organism but will… Continue reading
How to take your body in form after pregnancy
After having a baby, most women wish they could follow in the footsteps of celebrity new moms who shrink back to pre-baby size nearly immediately after the birth. However, the majority of us take a little longer to lose the weight, particularly in the abdominal area. But it is not hopeless. With the proper diet… Continue reading
Yoga for proportational body
Want a fat-burning workout that’s fast and blasts away your stress, too? Don’t bother Santa—this is one fabulous gift you can give yourself. Use this flowing, yoga-with-dumbbells routine from Health’s own yoga guru Kristin McGee to build strength, double your calorie-burn, and decompress. “Concentrating on the movements gets your mind off all of the distractions… Continue reading
Essential Fatty Acids
Fatty acids are the basic structural units of lipids, which are dietary fats. The body can synthesize many fatty acids, but those that cannot be manufactured in adequate amounts must be obtained from the diet. These are called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Fatty acids are classified as saturated, monosaturated or polyunsaturated – depending on the… Continue reading
New treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
AMRI (NASDAQ: AMRI) announced the selection of a compound from its proprietary research program for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for advanced preclinical testing, with the goal of submitting an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2011. “We are pleased to announce another significant achievement… Continue reading
How to dress 10 pounds and get thinner for dinner
Sure, many celebs start off with better bodies than the rest of us mere mortals. (They have personal chefs and trainers on demand, after all!) But even the fittest stars still deal with figure challenges, so they turn to stylists who are geniuses at putting together outfits that hide flaws and play up a star’s… Continue reading
Body and soul: Shaitsu massage
What is shiatsu? Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork. The word shiatsu means “finger pressure”, and shiatsu is sometimes described as a finger pressure massage. How does shiatsu work? Like acupuncture, shiatsu is based on the holistic system of traditional Chinese medicine, where illness is thought to result from imbalances in the natural flow… Continue reading