Hair loss occurs very frequently and affects both men and women. Hair loss may be caused by many different factors, such as stress, certain diseases, hormonal changes, disorders of the immune system, poor nutrition, some medications, etc. There are numerous products available that claim to treat hair loss, but most of them don’t do anything… Continue reading
Tag: hair loss
Improve Hair Loss with a Proper Diet
Many men of different ages suffer from hair loss. This problem may be cause by an underlying disease, poor diet or usage of severe hair chemicals. If your hair loss is caused by a disease, you need to treat it in order to stop the problem. You also need to discontinue the usage of severe… Continue reading
Male Hair Loss – Treatment Options
Males are very often affected by hair loss which is known as male pattern baldness. This kind of hair loss is hereditary – it is passed from generation to generation. However, there are still some treatment options which can improve the condition. The first thing a male should do when he experience the problem is… Continue reading
Natural and Chemical Treatment of Hair Loss
Hair loss is more common in men rather than in women. Actually, half of the men aged 50 and more are affected by this problem. Androgenic alopecia, also called male patterned baldness, is the most common form of male hair loss. Scientific studies have proven that it is mainly caused by a hormone called dihydrotestosterone… Continue reading
Hair Loss Causes
Hair loss is very unpleasant problem that is not just cosmetic issue but may also indicate health troubles. Hair loss may be cause by various reasons, such as illness or surgery. Commonly, hair loss due to illness is temporary. Another reason to lose hair is hormonal problems. Hair may fall if the thyroid gland is… Continue reading
What should I do, if my hair fallen?
A healthy lifestyle supplemented with proper diet is the magic key for healthy and beautiful hair. But our fast paced life generally doesnt allow us to follow it. But these hair care tips along with some hair care products might just do the trick for you. Hair Care Tips and Products Hair Spray: Chop one… Continue reading
Herbs for your hair
1. Sage: Excellent for weak hair. 2. Rosemary: Enhances dark hair 3. Chamomile: Promotes healthy hair growth. 4. Catnip: Promotes hair growth. 5. Burdock Root: Promotes hair growth and reduces hair from falling out Hair Loss Hair is a growth consisting of dead skin cells that are filled with a protein called keratin. (which is… Continue reading
Hair loss by women
It’s normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, but sometimes hair loss accelerates or hair falls out in patches. Learning the cause of your hair loss can help determine how to treat it. The first thing you notice might be more hair than usual in your hair brush or clogging the shower drain.… Continue reading