Nature has wonderful resources that can help you maintain your good health. There are thousands of herbs and plants that stimulate your body to function properly and improve the way it works. The greatest benefit of herbs is that they are free of side effects and are absolutely safe. Most of the herbs we use… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Can Watching TV Affect Your Health?
We usually don’t realize that watching TV is not quite good for your health. It may be surprising and you may not want to accept it, but continuous staring at the TV imposes various health risks. Here are some of them: Risk of heart diseases According to a study conducted by Australian… Continue reading
How to Maintain Your Health and Beauty
Health and beauty are integrated and if you want to maintain your beauty, you need to stay healthy. In order to keep your health, you need to follow some basic rules that should become part of your daily routine. These rules are mainly about the food you eat and the exercises you do. In order… Continue reading
Natural Remedies for Constipation
Constipation is a condition that affects the large intestine, also known as colon. As a result of this condition toxins are accumulated in the body. Accumulation of toxins causes many health issues. Sometimes constipation may be caused by our lifestyle and the food we eat. Fortunately, nature has provided us with some effective constipation remedies,… Continue reading
Brushing Your Teeth Correctly
We usually don’t ask ourselves if we brush our teeth correctly. As we do this every day, we believe we know how to do it appropriately. However, many people don’t really know how to brush their teeth and if you don’t do it correctly, you can damage both your gums and teeth. Before we discuss… Continue reading
Natural Methods of Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss occurs very frequently and affects both men and women. Hair loss may be caused by many different factors, such as stress, certain diseases, hormonal changes, disorders of the immune system, poor nutrition, some medications, etc. There are numerous products available that claim to treat hair loss, but most of them don’t do anything… Continue reading
Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
People have been using apple cider vinegar for hundreds of years to alleviate various diseases and health problems. Generation after generation, vinegar was used as a beverage, preservative and for seasoning. Early Europeans also used apple cider vinegar as a deodorant. The most common usage of apple cider vinegar is to treat sore throat. This… Continue reading
The Benefits of Brown and White Rice
Many diet plans include brown rice and exclude white rice. Have you ever wondered why? Both type of rice have certain benefits which are discussed below. According to scientific research brown rice is more suitable for diets for some reasons. First of all, it is rich in fibers and this stimulates the digestion of food.… Continue reading