Chocolate is convalescent than abounding bake-apple juices and is a ‘superfood’ in its own right, says a new abstraction conducted by a US-based amber company. Superfoods are aerial in anti-oxidants and compounds that advice anticipate accident to advantageous cells. Researchers from the Hershey Centre for Health & Nutrition in the US begin that delicate aphotic… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Older smokers risk to have impaired memory
Older smokers are acceptable to accident their blah amount and lose cerebral functions at a greater amount than non-smokers. Cognitive functions absorb thought, anamnesis and advice processes enabling us to apprentice new things and appreciate what is actuality said. The abstraction led by Osvaldo Almeida, analysis administrator of The University of Western Australia, begin that… Continue reading
A Diet According to the Blood Type
There are four different blood types: O, A, B and AB. The people with different blood types should follow different diet plans in order to maintain healthy weight. Below are some recommendations for the various blood types. Type O Blood People of this blood group should reduce the consummation of grains and dairy products. The… Continue reading
Nicotine and Its Side Effects
Nicotine is a poisonous alkaloid and it is found in some plants. In addition, it is the active ingredient of tobacco products and is highly addictive. Nicotine has numerous side effects and some of them are discussed below. As mentioned before, nicotine is addictive, and the FDA considers addiction a diseases. The usage of tobacco… Continue reading
Keep Your Brain Healthy
Many people believe that a healthy brain improves only the memory and concentration. However, the truth is that a healthy brain significantly reduces the risk of neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. For this purpose we need to improve our brain functions. Fortunately, there are some natural ways to do this. Neurobic exercises are… Continue reading
Foods for Good Eyesight
The food we consume affects our health and well-being. Thus, certain foods make the bones stronger, while others keep us in good health state. There are even foods that influence our mood and enhance it. In addition, there are foods that make our eyesight better. Certain food types provide vitamins and minerals that are very… Continue reading
Useful Exercises for a Flat Stomach
Everyone dreams for a flat stomach but very few have it. Many people exercise regularly but still can’t achieve a flat stomach. The reason is that they don’t do the proper exercises. Below are listed the workouts that will help you achieve a flat stomach. Cardio Cardio exercises are not the typical exercises for a… Continue reading
Cocoa and Its Health Benefits
Most of us love cocoa. We consume it with the chocolate we eat or as a drink with milk. And most of us believe that chocolates and hot cocoa milk is not very healthy. However, they are not right, because cocoa has numerous health benefits. Here are some of them: Cocoa contains favanoids that can… Continue reading