Every woman that ever is keep a diet to the weight loss, know that the time of the diet should be a little madness. And the rush life too. Let’s say that you I bought a house (and moved into it), finished the work for example some kinds of edits of your book and not… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Selenium may be your prevention against bladder cancer
There is a study, whill was published in the December issue of Cancer Prevention Research, that was be of the American Association for Cancer Research. In those jurnal is saying that the element selenium, a trace mineral found in grains, nuts and meats, may aid in the prevention of high-risk bladder cancer. The researchers which… Continue reading
Apple Cider Vinegar for Successful Weight Loss
People have been using apple cider vinegar for weigh loss during many centuries. This is a natural weight loss method that has numerous benefits. Apple cider vinegar contains many nutrients, enzymes and organic acids that improve metabolism and suppress appetite. In addition, apple cider vinegar reduces water retention and cholesterol, and it enhances the circulatory… Continue reading
Home blood pressure and monitoring
Just as periodic personal monitoring is important in diabetic care, it appears that personal monitoring at home of one’s blood pressure (BP) is significant in lowering high blood pressure. This news comes from a new study published online by Hypertension on Nov ember 29, 2010. Rajiv Agarwal, MD, Indiana University School of Medical, and colleagues… Continue reading
Some foods that are including in weight watchers PointPlus
There is a special weight loss program, wich can make you thin, despite of your feeding. Of course you can’t eat uncontrolling, but almost everything is allowed in program PointsPlus. Weight Watchers says “eating what you love makes for a weight-loss plan you can stick with. On the PointsPlus program you can eat anything you… Continue reading
There is higher risc of premature birth for depressed pregnant women
Women who are depressed during pregnancy have a higher chance of premature births according to findings from scientists at University of Washington (UW). The study, published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, also show that women who suffer from depression, combined with lower socioeconomic status are at even higher risk of delivering early or having… Continue reading
The right treatment of eye cancer can prevent a blindness
Partial or complete blindness is one of the potential consequences of radiation treatment for eye cancer. Now a University of Colorado School of Medicine physician has discovered a way to prevent blindness related to eye cancer treatment. Cancer of the eye and orbit is not common, but it can be devastating. The National Cancer Institute… Continue reading
How to take your body in form after pregnancy
After having a baby, most women wish they could follow in the footsteps of celebrity new moms who shrink back to pre-baby size nearly immediately after the birth. However, the majority of us take a little longer to lose the weight, particularly in the abdominal area. But it is not hopeless. With the proper diet… Continue reading