There are 13 ways to boost your chances of living a happy, healthy life. More can be added to this list, but, for simplicity’s sake, we’ll stick with this typically unlucky number. Instead of bringing misfortune, however, the 13 habits promise a life of vigor and vivacity. There are, of course, no guarantees, but many… Continue reading
Author: News Health
What kind of food do you would avoid when you are pregnant
When you’re expecting, what you eat and drink influences your child’s health, possibly forever. Everyday foods and beverages take on new meaning, as some may present a danger to your developing baby. Whole and lightly processed foods, such as whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, legumes, and low-fat dairy should form the basis of… Continue reading
Genetic “chips” gave the information about heart disease
New research at the University of Leicester will use the latest genetic techniques to examine DNA from over 20,000 patients with heart disease. The study will help to identify new genes and molecules responsible for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). This, in turn may help to develop new diagnostic and treatment strategies. The project is being… Continue reading
How to be an optimist
Danny Worrel paid in advance to have a load of firewood delivered. It was a handshake deal, but as the guy drove off, Worrel, a 57-year-old building engineer in Coupeville, Wash., said, “I just lost $150.” He was sure the woodsman would take off with the cash and never deliver. (Of course, the firewood promptly… Continue reading
Summer protection of the kid’s skin from sun
Lazy days at the pool or beach are warm weather rituals for many families. But if you’re tempted to let your child play outdoors for even a few minutes without the proper sun protection, you might want to think twice. “It only takes one severe sunburn to potentially double your child’s chances of getting melanoma later… Continue reading
What are the efects of oil spills on a human health
University of Rhode Island Pharmacy Professor Bongsup Cho knows there are cancer-causing chemicals in diesel fumes and cigarette smoke. The biomedical scientist also knows that some of the same chemicals are found in the gooey tar balls that are being produced as a result of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which began… Continue reading
Is drinking of red wine keep a skin soft and smooth
The latest antiaging weapon is not an injection or a wonder cream, and it doesn’t involve any nipping or tucking either. It’s a glass of red wine a day for women and two for men, according to Richard A. Baxter, MD, a plastic surgeon in Seattle and the author of Age Gets Better with Wine.… Continue reading
How to stop children from biting
You’re enjoying a sunny afternoon on the playground, when suddenly you spot your toddler with teeth embedded in a playmate’s arm. Horrified, you rush to discipline your pint-sized vampire — but what’s the best way to handle the situation? Before you panic, know that biting is a normal part of childhood development. Young children bite… Continue reading