Dispelling the notion that circulating levels of good and bad cholesterol in the blood are just the balance of dietary absorption and liver secretion and metabolism, US scientists who did tests on mice suggest that a neural circuit in the brain involving the hunger-signaling hormone ghrelin directly controls cholesterol metabolism by the liver. You can… Continue reading
Author: News Health
How to motivate your child in school age to be active
The Hour of Power Sixty minutes — that’s how much physical activity kids should get each day. But as kids get older, increasing demands on their time can make getting a full hour of exercise a challenge. And some kids get caught up in sedentary pursuits like watching TV and surfing the Internet. Even doing a… Continue reading
Healthy cereal breakfast meal
Blueberry Almond Vanilla Cereal Ingredients: 1 cup higher-fiber cold cereal (like bite-size shredded wheat or low-fat granola) 1/2 cup vanilla soymilk (like Silk brand) 1/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1 tablespoon toasted almonds (sliced, slivered or chopped) Preparation: Add the cold cereal to a bowl. Pour in vanilla soymilk. Sprinkle blueberries and almonds over… Continue reading
Vegan and vegetarian diet – part two
What’s included in the vegetarian food pyramid? Vegetarian Food Pyramid What’s included in the vegan food pyramid? Vegan Food Guide Pyramid It’s important to remember that you can consume too many calories following a vegetarian or a vegan diet. Too much of any food can lead to weight gain and the health problems associated with… Continue reading
All for heat illness
Our bodies, which create a tremendous amount of internal heat, are normally cooled through sweating and radiating heat through our skin. Under certain circumstances, such as unusually high temperatures, high humidity, or vigorous exercise in hot weather, this natural cooling system may begin to fail, allowing internal heat to build up to dangerous levels. The result may… Continue reading
Only for teens – what would I do after a car accident
Car Crashes Driving is probably the most dangerous thing most of us will ever do. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2008, there were more than 5.8 million police-reported traffic crashes in which 37,261 people were killed and more than 2.3 million injured the United States. Although you do your best… Continue reading
The testimony of children may be influenced by co-witnesses
When children report about an event they can be highly accurate. But if they talk to other witnesses, children’s testimony may become tainted. A doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg examines children’s vulnerability to co-witness influence, and presents a new method that can help child witnesses to provide more detailed witness reports. Emma Roos… Continue reading
Nasdaq: HGSI for Multiple Myeloma
Human Genome Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: HGSI) announced the results of its randomized Phase 2 trial of mapatumumab (HGS-ETR1) in combination with bortezomib (Velcade) in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. The results showed no difference in disease response or progression-free survival for the combination that included mapatumumab vs. the control group receiving bortezomib alone, and showed… Continue reading