If you or someone you know is exhibiting signs of a stroke, the clear choice for medical treatment is a hospital emergency room. If you need a routine check up or physical, your primary care provider is the best choice. But what about injuries or maladies that fall somewhere in the middle? Urgent care facilities,… Continue reading
Author: News Health
How People With Impaired Vision See Clearly
Eye disorders are incredibly common in the world today, with 20.6 million adult Americans experiencing vision loss, as reported in the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Whether they are near-sighted, far-sighted, or legally blind, most people with impaired vision agree that it is one of life’s more intrusive annoyances. One of the easiest ways to… Continue reading
The Whats, Hows and Whens of Laser Treatment for Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are warts on the soles of the feet. They’re caused by the human papillomavirus, but you shouldn’t panic about them; in fact, plantar warts are extremely common and rarely even viewed as a medical problem. If you notice a wart on the bottom of your foot but it isn’t interfering with regular function,… Continue reading
Philadelphia Health System Opens Its First Urgent Care Center
Finding fast, affordable care for the injured is an important step in preventing various complications and helping patients return to normal. However, due to problems like emergency room overcrowding, the expensive cost of medical treatments and a shortage of local doctors, obtaining this care is often easier said than done. Fortunately, urgent care clinics are… Continue reading
A Short Guide to the Differences Between Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin
Vaping has been a growing trend for awhile. From hipsters looking for the coolest new thing to ex-smokers looking for a way to kick their habit, vaping is here to stay. In fact, the vaping industry is expected to reach an impressive $3.5 billion in 2015. One of the most important things to know about… Continue reading
Unconscious Man Found Outside Michigan Urgent Care Clinic
Over the course of the last few years, urgent care facilities have become an extremely common presence in communities around the United States. These medical walk in clinics are often extremely useful when it comes to filling the gaps in local healthcare systems, as they offer treatment for a variety of non-life-threatening conditions without requiring… Continue reading
Three Major Benefits of Urgent Care Facilities
Urgent care facilities represent one of the fastest growing industries in the American healthcare system today — and for a few good reasons. While it’s always a good idea to have family care physicians who can provide regular treatments and check-ups, it’s also a good idea to know the name and location of your closest… Continue reading
Three Things You Should Not Do If You Have Seborrheic Dermatitis
All skin conditions can be difficult and stressful, but if you or a loved one has sebhorrheic dermatitis, you know exactly how challenging they can be. This common skin disorder, which causes red, greasy patches on oil-producing areas of the body, can be extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable. And unlike other prevalent skin problems, such as… Continue reading