Tea is usually used to maintain overall health and to fight colds, but it is also very effective and helpful for the process of weight loss. The following tips will help you lose weight with tea. Substitute your morning coffee with black tea and drink black tea instead of soda. Black tea detoxifies the body… Continue reading
Category: Diet & Weight Loss
Some tips to lose your exsess weight
Bad news: The average person gains one to two pounds a year. Good news: Consuming just 100 fewer calories each day is enough to avert that weight gain. If you’re finding this out a little too late—and you want to actually lose some of that weight—you have to downsize by 500 calories a day. But… Continue reading
How to look tinner on a Christmas party
Looking your best along your weight loss journey is a great self esteem boost! So, let’s check out these simple ways to look thinner… If a thick middle is your problem area, remember that jackets or shirts with hems at your midsection can make a boxy shape look chunkier. Choose jackets that are hip length… Continue reading
Tips for Safe and Successful Weight Loss
There is hardly a woman who haven’t followed a diet plan in her life or who haven’t attempted to lose some extra weight. In fact, there is hardly a woman who doesn’t consider she needs to get rid of a few kilograms. However, many of the available dietary plans are not as safe as they… Continue reading
Lose Weight with Honey
Honey is a natural organic product that has many health benefits. You may be surprised to find out that honey is extremely beneficial in your weight loss battle. If you want to lose some extra pounds, then honey will help you. Combined with warm water, honey can do miracles. Our bodies store all the unused… Continue reading
Some holidays meals that you shouldn’t eat
‘Tis the season to be jolly—and pack on pounds indulging in rich, fattening fare. Here are 36 holiday diet hazards you and your family should avoid, along with healthier options that only taste indulgent! If you simply can’t resist a calorie-laden holiday favorite, make sure to keep portions small. Cheese straws These party staples look… Continue reading
The size of plates that change your weight
You can drop 18 pounds this year just by changing plates, according to the Small Plate Movement. Start with a plate that’s between 9 and 10 inches in diameter, closer to the size of your grandmother’s china. Spode Blue Willow Dinnerware These dinner plates fit the Small Plate Movement prescription: They’re 10 inches across and… Continue reading
Some tips for slim belly
Don’t even think about sucking it in so you’ll fit into those cute fitted white jeans: There are less-painful and longer-lasting ways to get the amazing middle you crave. We went straight to experts to get their very best advice for quickly shrinking your tummy. Here are the surprising foods, tricks, and moves they swear… Continue reading