It is a common believe that stretch marks are characteristic for women; however the sad truth is that men as equally predisposed to them. Men usually get them when their bodies undertake sudden changes that make the skink stretching. Typically, stretch marks in men appear during the puberty, in cases of weight loss and gain… Continue reading
Tag: healthy food
Maintaining Your Complexion – Useful Tips
Skin care is an essential part of beauty care. Every woman wants to have smooth, healthy skin with perfect complexion. The face is one of the body parts subjected to many numerous skin care procedures. If you want to maintain the complexion of your facial skin, you need to polish feed, water and mobilize the… Continue reading
Three Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the greatest and happiest periods for all women. However, if you need to take a good care for you and the baby in order to keep both of you healthy. You may find it useful to follow three tips connected with food, drinks and exercising, which will help you maintain your… Continue reading
It is not healthy to eat in Mall? No, there are some healthiest meals
After zooming from one end of the mall to the other, don’t you deserve a quick bite? Of course. Does it have to be greasy fries, gooey cinnamon buns, or some other equally fattening, sodium-loaded calorie bomb? No way! Believe it or not, you can eat healthy while you tackle holiday errands. Check out our… Continue reading
How to feed your cat with healthy food
Confusing information on pet food labels may make it hard for pet owners to find the right diet food for their overweight dogs and cats. A new study shows the calorie counts of 44 commercial diet dog foods varied from 217 to 440 calories per cup; the recommended serving size varied from three-fourths to nearly… Continue reading
The Importance of Fiber for a Healthy Diet
Fiber is a very beneficial product and should be included in the meals as much as possible. Fiber is very important for the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. Sources of fiber are plant foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It has some very significant properties: • Fiber makes you feel fuller faster… Continue reading
Tell me what you eat to tell you what’s your condition of oral health
To prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, your diet — what you eat and how often you eat — are important factors. Changes in your mouth start the minute you eat certain foods. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars from the foods you eat to acids, and it’s the acids that begin to attack… Continue reading